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How do I compare functionalism and conflict theory How would the two differ in their understanding of inequality?

How do I compare functionalism and conflict theory How would the two differ in their understanding of inequality?

Functionalism emphasizes the importance of social institutions for social stability and implies that far-reaching social change will be socially harmful. Conflict theory emphasizes social inequality and suggests that far-reaching social change is needed to achieve a just society.

How are the functionalist and conflict perspectives of social change similar and different?

Functionalist theory favors slow, incremental social change, while conflict theory favors fast, far-reaching social change to correct what it views as social inequalities and other problems in the status quo.

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What is the similarity and difference between structural functionalism and symbolic Interactionism?

The main difference between functionalism and symbolic interactionism is that functionalism looks at society as a complex system whose components work together to promote unity and stability whereas symbolic interactionism looks at society as a social construct that relies on human interpretations.

How do the differences between functionalism and conflict theory illustrate the definition of theoretical perspective?

While functionalism emphasizes stability, conflict theory emphasizes change. According to the conflict perspective, society is constantly in conflict over resources, and that conflict drives social change.

How conflict theory differs from functionalist theory in relation to education?

Functionalists believe that education equips people to perform different functional roles in society. Conflict theorists view education as a means of widening the gap in social inequality.

How do Functionalists and conflict theorists differ in their explanations of socialization?

Conflict theory sees social life as a competition, and focuses on the distribution of resources, power, and inequality. Unlike functionalist theory, conflict theory is better at explaining social change, and weaker at explaining social stability.

How do functionalist and conflict theory differ in their assessment of the role of schools in helping to change society?

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Functionalists see education as serving the needs of society by preparing students for later roles, or functions, in society. Conflict theorists see schools as a means for perpetuating class, racial-ethnic, and gender inequalities.

How do functionalists and conflict theorists differ in their explanations of socialization?

What is the similarities between functionalism and symbolic Interactionism?

Functionalism is an example of a macro perspective as it analyses the way society as a whole fits together whereas symbolic interactionism is a micro perspective because it stresses the meaningfulness of human behaviour and denies that it is primarily determined by the structure of society.

What are the similarities of structural functionalism?

One of the biggest similarities between both of these theories is the interconnection between individual humans and societies. Both theories attribute protective and restrictive powers to the institution of society and government in order to protect individuals.

What is the difference between functionalism and conflict theory?

The difference between functionalism and conflict: Functionalism is an approach that focus on how social parts contribute in society as a system whereas Conflict is another approach that focus on conflict in society.

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What is similar between structuralism and functionalism?

In theory, structuralism and functionalism had similarities. The most evident connection is that they both concentrated in the mental functions since in my opinion functionalisms were shaped as a response to the wounds of structuralism. Additionally, both used introspection as a technique to investigate their ideas.

What are the basic assumptions of structural functionalism?

Structural Functionalism is a sociological theory that attempts to explain why society functions the way it does by focusing on the relationships between the various social institutions that make up society (e.g., government, law, education, religion, etc). One of the assumptions of Structural Functionalism is that a society is cohesive if it consists of various intermediate groups which share the same norms.

What is the difference between consensus and conflict theory?

Differences Between Consensus and Conflict Theories. Two theories attempt to explain human behavior- conflict and consensus theories. Consensus theory asserts that the social order can be attained through having shared norms, beliefs, and values, whereas conflict theory argues that inequalities produce class conflicts.