
How do I deal with a jealous insecure friend?

How do I deal with a jealous insecure friend?

  1. 5 Ways To Deal With A Jealous Friend.
  2. Make sure you give them a realistic insight into your life:
  3. Be sure to identify and praise your friend’s achievements and strengths:
  4. Involve them in your successes:
  5. Ask them about their dreams for the future, and offer help if you can:
  6. If all else fails, give them some space:

How do you talk to a possessive friend?

Talk to your friend soon as possible. Once you have an idea where their jealousy might be coming from, talk to your friend as soon as possible and tell them how you feel. It’s best to have the conversation in person, without any distractions, and at a time when you aren’t feeling angry or attacked by their behaviors.

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How do I Stop Feeling possessive about my best friend?

Distract yourself. Feelings of possessiveness tend to get worse when we just sit and focus on them. As long as you allow yourself to obsess over this one friend, you will not get over it. Try distracting yourself with anything possible to get your mind off of it.

Do you feel like your possessiveness is getting extreme?

We all like to feel special and important to other people in our lives, but if you start feeling like your possessiveness is getting extreme you may need to take some action to change this. A possessive friend often expresses jealousy and may seek to control what the other person does.

How to deal with a jealous or possessive friend?

Here’s how to deal with a jealous or possessive friend who consistently leaves you feeling disrespected, frustrated, or bad about yourself. Look for patterns. Before talking to your friend about their jealousy, try reflecting on the jealous moments to see if you can determine a pattern.

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How do you deal with a crush on someone you love?

Try distracting yourself with anything possible to get your mind off of it. You could even enlist the help of another friend if you trust them enough not to tell other people about it. Try reading a book, watching a movie, going for a walk, calling a friend, talking to your mom, or even creating something artistic.