
How do I deal with in-laws after divorce?

How do I deal with in-laws after divorce?

Dealing With Your In-Laws During and After Your Divorce

  1. Be respectful of the changed circumstances. Do not bad mouth your ex to their family members or discuss details of the divorce proceedings.
  2. Realize a period of adjustment is required.
  3. Accept permanent changes in the relationship.

Are my spouse’s in-laws my in-laws?

An in-law is someone who is a relative because of marriage, like your husband’s sister or your wife’s father. You can refer to your spouse’s entire family as your in-laws.

Will my in-laws shun me after a divorce?

You may believe that your in-laws have no reason to shun you after a divorce that was not your fault, or after a mutual divorce, but the reality is that you cannot have expectations in this regard.

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How will my divorce affect my relationship with my in-laws?

Ideally, your divorce should not impact these types of relationships, but the inherently divisive nature of divorce subconsciously encourages extended family members to “take sides.” The best way to approach your relationship with your in-laws after divorce is with diplomacy and respect.

Should I keep in contact with my in-laws after divorce?

Divorce affects not only the divorcing couple and their family; it also affects the former spouses’ extended families, including their parents. After a divorce, it may seem natural to keep in touch with in-laws, but is this really advisable? Ultimately, it depends on the personal dynamics between you and your in-laws.

Should I be friends with my in-laws after a divorce?

If the opposite is true, and you were the one to cause the breakdown of the marriage, then you should not expect your in-laws to be too friendly toward you following the divorce. If you and your ex-spouse have children, then you will most likely need to keep in touch with your in-laws in some capacity so your kids can visit their grandparents.