
How do I find the best translation of a book?

How do I find the best translation of a book?

How to Find the Right Book Translator in 8 Steps

  1. Understand exactly what you’re asking for.
  2. Set a reasonable budget for high-quality work.
  3. Narrow down your shortlist by identifying your niche.
  4. Consider the translator’s credentials.
  5. Think about fit.
  6. Ask for a sample translation.

How many Chinese words do you need to read a novel?

So, we’ve established that to be able to read Chinese fairly well, you need to know around 2500 Chinese characters. Well, that’s way better than 85000, 50000, or even 8000, but 2500 still seems a daunting number. How is it possible to read all of these characters?

Which is the highest translated book in the world?

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The Bible
The Bible remains the world’s most translated book, with at least one book now available in a staggering 3,312 languages.

Which English translation of War and Peace is best?

Aylmer and Louise Maude translation Critics generally say this is the most faithful translation of War and Peace.

What makes a good book translation?

A good translation flows well, uses appropriate language and feels as though it was written for the intended audience. A poor translation, on the other hand, could be peppered with grammatical mistakes, include sentences where the meaning has been lost and feel stilted and clunky to the reader.

Is Baidu translator good?

But, with any translation service it is never 100\% accurate! That’s why it is always best to double check your sentences with a Chinese teacher or native speaker….Baidu Translate – App & Desktop.

Pros Cons
Free to download and use Quite easy to get a bit lost
App is very versatile Not designed for English-speaking users
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Are there any books that are written in Mandarin?

Actually, there are lots of books that are in Mandarin. 🙂 I find it strange you asked this questrion. To put my answer short, many many English books, French books, German books, etc have been translated to Chinese (please use Chinese, Mandarin is old fashion and only refer to the dialect in the old days).

What are some books that have been translated into Chinese?

To put my answer short, many many English books, French books, German books, etc have been translated to Chinese (please use Chinese, Mandarin is old fashion and only refer to the dialect in the old days). Charles Dickens, Sherlock Holmes detective stories, countless list.

Does Pres XI read translated Chinese books?

Pres Xi has widely read translated copies of English, French, German, Russian, Spain, Italy, …to name a few. On the other hand, not many Chinese books are translated to English or other foreign languages (compared against foreign languages translated to Chinese).

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Where can I find a good book on Mandarin Immersion?

Today’s book, Travel, Learn and See Your Friends: Adventures in Mandarin Immersion by Dr. Edna Ma, can solve several of those problems for you. First, you can buy it on Amazon. Second, it’s a bilingual book! That means the story is written in English, Simplified Chinese, and also has pinyin so even non-speaking parents can “read” the book.