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How do I get along with my PhD supervisor?

How do I get along with my PhD supervisor?

How to Develop a Good Relationship with your PhD Supervisor

  1. Get to know your supervisor before you begin your PhD.
  2. Know what you’re expected to do.
  3. Communicate regularly.
  4. Remember that you’re not the only one to attend to.
  5. Be honest.

What should I expect from a PhD supervisor?

Your supervisor will have some core responsibilities towards you and your project. These will normally include meeting to discuss your work, reading drafts and being available to respond emails and other forms of contact within a reasonable timeframe.

What support can I expect from my PhD supervisor?

‘Support’ can also extend beyond your PhD thesis and include additional academic opportunities. It’s not uncommon for supervisors to identify suitable conferences for their students to attend or present at. In some cases you may also have the chance to publish work alongside your supervisor or participate as a second author on one of their papers.

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What is PhD supervision and what does it mean?

The responsibilities are often shared between one main supervisor and 1-3 (and eventually more) co-supervisors. Supervisors may also be called mentors or advisors (just so you know that this is the same thing unless your PhD regulations specify another meaning in your case). So here are our five pillars of good PhD supervision: 1. Guidance

Is Your PhD supervisor a master or an apprentice?

A PhD supervisor and student are often compared to a master and an apprentice. There’s some logic in this. You can expect to benefit from your supervisor’s ‘mastery’ of your subject and of research techniques, viewing them as an example as well as an advisor.

Do PhD students need to attend supervisory meetings?

Note that the ability to attend supervisory meetings is an expectation of full-time PhD students who are based ‘on campus’. If you are studying by distance learning your supervisor may arrange for a different format, such as discussing work over the phone or via video conferencing.