
How do I get motivated when sick?

How do I get motivated when sick?

If you’re too sick: Don’t go to work….The faster you get better, the faster you’ll be back to being productive and effective again.

  1. Relax.
  2. Prioritize Your Work.
  3. Take a Hot Shower/Bath.
  4. Work From Your Bed.
  5. Call in Help.
  6. Drink Coffee… But More Water.

What is it called when you have a lack of motivation?

Avolition is a total lack of motivation that makes it hard to get anything done.

How do I get rid of lack of motivation?

What advice would you give to someone lacking in motivation?

  1. Break tasks in to manageable chunks.
  2. Write down each positive thing you experience throughout the day.
  3. Give yourself credit for the small things you do.
  4. Have some ‘me time’
  5. Be gentle with yourself.
  6. Try to be present.
  7. Attend helpful events.
  8. Ask for help.
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How do you stop being lazy when sick?

Too Tired To Work?

  1. Take a cold shower or splash water on your face.
  2. Skip breakfast if you’re not hungry.
  3. Delay coffee until after cortisol spikes at 9:30 a.m.
  4. Tackle important tasks early.
  5. Get outside.
  6. Don’t eat at your desk.
  7. Save creative tasks for the afternoon.
  8. Don’t eat too much.

Why is it so hard to focus when sick?

Seasonal viruses reduce mental alertness by interfering with neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline, associated with reaction times. At a system-wide level, colds and flu trigger the body’s attack mode, causing inflammation as the body works harder than usual to fend off illness.

Why have I lost my motivation to work?

You’re burning out. This is the most common reason ‌people lose motivation for work. Burnout results from ongoing work-related stress caused by multiple factors. The most common one is working too hard or not being rewarded for your work.

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Is it OK to be lazy when sick?

When you’re sick, you may find yourself dozing in bed or on the couch all day. It can be frustrating, but it’s normal to feel tired and lethargic when you’re sick. In fact, sleeping when you’re sick is essential. It’s one way your body tells you to slow down and rest, so you can get healthy.