Tips and tricks

How do I master the art of procrastination?

How do I master the art of procrastination?

How To Master The Art Of Procrastination

  1. Don’t schedule anything. Master procrastinators know that forethought is the enemy of procrastination.
  2. Be distracted. Distractions are a procrastinator’s best friend.
  3. Avoid beginning your work.
  4. Expect change.
  5. Wait.
  6. Panic.
  7. Promise to never procrastinate again.

Is procrastination an art?

Procrastination is an art. But to do it and do it well — that takes some skill. It’s a fine art. Okay, “fine art” might be pushing it.

How do you overcome procrastination in the future?

Studies show that self-forgiveness can help you to feel more positive about yourself and reduce the likelihood of procrastination in the future. Commit to the task. Focus on doing, not avoiding. Write down the tasks that you need to complete, and specify a time for doing them.

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How do you recognize the warning signs of procrastination?

Recognize the warning signs: Pay attention to any thoughts of procrastination and do your best to resist the urge. If you begin to think about procrastinating, force yourself to spend a few minutes working on your task.

Are You a “I’ve Got Time” or “bored procrastinator?

The “I’ve Got Time” Procrastinator: When these people think they have plenty of time to complete a task, they tend to put it off until the last minute. The Bored Procrastinator: These people find the task mundane and would much rather fill their time with fun activities that provide immediate satisfaction.

How does poor organization lead to procrastination?

Poor organization can lead to procrastination. Organized people successfully overcome it because they use prioritized To-Do Lists and create effective schedules. These tools help you to organize your tasks by priority and deadline. Even if you’re organized, you can still feel overwhelmed by a task.