How do I protect my journal?

How do I protect my journal?

7 Ways to Keep Your Journal Private

  1. Trust as a Gauge of Growth. Your present level of personal development influences your perception of privacy.
  2. Protect Yourself First.
  3. Out of sight, out of mind.
  4. Code words and analogies.
  5. Locks.
  6. Warning Labels.
  7. Fake Covers.
  8. Conversations.

Is diary a safe app?

Diaries are a very good journal app. It has a multitude of functionality. Features include password protection, to-do list features, voice recording (with speech-to-text) and more.

What should you right in a diary?

15 Things You Would Write In Your Diary If You Had One Today

  • Your Travel Goals.
  • Details About The Person You’ve Been Crushing On.
  • Aspirations And Hopes You Have For The Future.
  • A List Of Things You’re Grateful For.
  • A Rant About Your Bad Day.
  • A Dream Plan You Want To Make Reality.
  • Your Horoscope For The Day.
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How do you maintain a secret physical diary?

Maintaining a Secret Physical Diary 1. Keep your thoughts in a simple, plain book. Write down your journal entries in a book that isn’t labelled and doesn’t… 2. Begin each entry with a blank page. You can also start each entry with a page that indicates your desire for the… 3. Use abbreviations

How do you write a diary and keep it private?

Put the diary in an obscure part of your room to ensure privacy. Places to put your diary: In your dresser, under your bed, in the back of your closet. Begin each entry with a blank page. You can also start each entry with a page that indicates your desire for the journal not to be read by anyone else.

How do you hide a diary from people?

Hide it between the mattresses of your bed, In that purse at the back of your closet you never use, or even tucked away in the back of your bookshelf. Don’t write, ‘Do not enter’ across the spine of the book, as this will make people want to read it even more! Get a fake, obvious diary.

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How to make a personalized diary?

Make sure your diary reflects your personality. Some of the ways people personalize diaries are: Adding scraps, like movie ticket stubs, receipts, flower petals, etc. Write in some basic information about yourself on the first page.
