
How do I read a list of text files in Python?

How do I read a list of text files in Python?

Use file. readlines() to read a text file into a list

  1. my_file = open(“sample.txt”, “r”)
  2. content_list = my_file. readlines()
  3. print(content_list)

How do I read data from a text file?

There are three ways to read data from a text file.

  1. read() : Returns the read bytes in form of a string.
  2. readline() : Reads a line of the file and returns in form of a string.
  3. readlines() : Reads all the lines and return them as each line a string element in a list.

How do you write a list to a text file in Python?

Use file. write() to write a list to a file

  1. a_list = [“abc”, “def”, “ghi”]
  2. textfile = open(“a_file.txt”, “w”)
  3. for element in a_list:
  4. textfile. write(element + “\n”)
  5. textfile.
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Which class do you use to read data from a text file?

Java FileReader class is used to read data from the file. It returns data in byte format like FileInputStream class. It is character-oriented class which is used for file handling in java.

How do I read a list of files in a directory in Python?


  1. Import modules.
  2. Add path of the folder.
  3. Change directory.
  4. Get the list of a file from a folder.
  5. Iterate through the file list and check whether the extension of the file is in . txt format or not.
  6. If text-file exist, read the file using File Handling.

How do you read a file in Python and store it in a list?

How to read a file to a list and write a list to a file in Python

  1. file = open(“sample1.txt”, “r”) Read from `file`
  2. file_lines = file. read()
  3. list_of_lines = file_lines. split(“\n”)
  4. print(list_of_lines)
  5. with open(“sample2.txt”, “w”) as file: Write to `file`
  6. file_lines = “\n”. join(list_of_lines)
  7. file. write(file_lines)

Which of these methods are used to read in from file?

Which of these methods are used to read in from file? Explanation: Each time read() is called, it reads a single byte from the file and returns the byte as an integer value. read() returns -1 when the end of the file is encountered.

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Which of the following object should be used for reading from a text file?

Scanner object
A text file can be read using a Scanner object. Using the Scanner offers the advantage of using the methods that come with the Scanner class.

How do you write a list of numbers in a file in Python?

Use file. write() and str() to Write integer values to a file Open a file using open(filename, mode) to open the target filename with mode as “w” to enable writing. While the file is open, call str(integer) to convert the integer object to a string. Use file. write(string) to write the new string value to the file.

Which method is used to write a list of string in Python?

Use the join() method of Python. First convert the list of integer into a list of strings( as join() works with strings only). Then, simply join them using join() method.

Which class do you use to read data from a text file Java?

Note: There are many available classes in the Java API that can be used to read and write files in Java: FileReader, BufferedReader, Files, Scanner, FileInputStream, FileWriter, BufferedWriter, FileOutputStream , etc.

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How do you read write a text file in Java?

Different ways of Reading a text file in Java

  1. Using BufferedReader class.
  2. Using Scanner class.
  3. Using File Reader class.
  4. Reading the whole file in a List.
  5. Read a text file as String.