Tips and tricks

How do I run an existing CodeIgniter project in xampp?

How do I run an existing CodeIgniter project in xampp?

How to install Codeigniter in Xampp

  1. Step 1: Download Codeigniter.
  2. Step 2: Extract Codeigniter Files.
  3. Step 3: Set Base Url.
  4. Step 4: Test Localhost Url.
  5. Step 5: Change default Controller in Routes.
  6. Step 6: Add database Credentials.
  7. Step 6: Auto load Helpers and Libraries.

How do I start coding in CodeIgniter?

Create a Simple App with CodeIgniter

  1. Step 1: Creating a phpMyAdmin Table. Below are the steps to create a table with phpMyAdmin.
  2. Step 2: Creating The Model. Once the database table is sorted out, we can begin working on our business logic.
  3. Step 3: Creating The Controller.
  4. Step 4: Creating The View.

How much time will it take to learn CodeIgniter?

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So learning Codeigniter along with basic PHP and MySQL will take you around 6 to 8 months in total.

How deploy CodeIgniter project in Linux?

How to install CodeIgniter on Linux

  1. Update the System.
  2. Download CodeIgntier.
  3. Unzip the archive and set up directory ownership.
  4. Edit Apache virtual host file.
  5. Restart Apache web server.
  6. Create new database.
  7. Configure database config file.
  8. Access CodeIgniter via web browser.

How to setup the CodeIgniter 3 project?

In this tutorial, I show how you can setup the CodeIgniter 3 project and create a page. 1. Download Download the Codeigniter from here. Extract the zip file on your server and rename the folder e.g. codeigniter. If you are on localhost then run http://localhost/codeigniter/ to check it is working or not.

How to run CodeIgniter application on an external server?

There are two ways you can run your application – either using the built-in development server shipped with CodeIgniter framework or external servers such as, Apache, Nginx, etc. I am going to show you how to run your Codeigniter application using both built-in server and Apache HTTP server.

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How to run CodeIgniter on localhost using spark?

Run the command php spark serve on your project root directory from the command line tool. Your application will run on localhost at 8080 port. Now if you want to run using Apache HTTP server then you must have put the extracted Codeigniter files under htdocs folder.

How do I change the URL of a CodeIgniter document?

Ensure that your document root is synced with the installation directory of CodeIgniter. You can do this by opening the virtual host file: Change /path/to/codeigniter with the real path of your CodeIgniter installation directory. By doing this, all your URLs will point to this folder.