
How do I share my sorrow?

How do I share my sorrow?

Condolence Messages to Colleagues

  1. Please accept my condolences at this difficult time.
  2. I am so sad to learn of your loss.
  3. Sympathies on the loss of your _____.
  4. My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.
  5. Heartfelt condolences to you during this time of loss.
  6. My deepest sympathies are with you.

What does it mean to share sorrow?

To commiserate with one about the same or similar loss, disappointment, or misfortune. A: “I lost nearly everything during the economic crash.” B: “I share your sorrow. To relate one’s loss, disappointment, misfortune, or the source thereof to someone else. You should keep all that grief bottled up inside.

How do you Say I’m sorry for Your Loss?

This is even clearer when we use the same words, “I’m sorry,” by way not of apology but of condolence: “I’m sorry for your loss.” Sorrow is a vital response to loss; vital because it heralds emotional healing.

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Do you feel bad about sorrow?

Feeling bad about feeling bad: that’s the problem! Feeling bad about it, people often seek to deny, delete or evade emotional pain somehow; but sorrow is a genuine and valuable emotion. Instead of rejecting and feeling bad about it, we are wise, in the face of loss, to embrace it.

Why is sorrow the gateway to healing?

Because sorrow is not the endpoint! It is the gateway to healing. When we feel sadness, cry our tears and share our sorrows with others, our degree of attachment fades and something wonderful starts to happen.

What is the meaning of Sorrow?

Sorrow is a vital response to loss; vital because it heralds emotional healing. The word ‘healing’ can be taken to mean, “Making whole again”; and, to be wounded and made whole again, in addition to restoration, usually means growth.