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How do I stop caring what my parents think?

How do I stop caring what my parents think?

How to not care about what your parents (or other family members) think about you:

  1. Know Yourself and Your History First: Without doing self-reflective inner work, you aren’t even going to know who you are, so you won’t be able to stand up for yourself with your family.
  2. Set Boundaries:
  3. Speak Your Truth:

How do I convince my parents to let me go out?

Try to barter and keep it at a level that they will be comfortable with. If your parents don’t want you hanging around with the opposite sex (which is another issue, but relevant), assure them that there will be a lot of people going. If they don’t like you being out past a certain hour, see a movie and be back before that time.

How should parents encourage their children to pursue their dreams?

They are grossly unhappy, yearning for what might have been. Instead, parents should encourage their children to pursue their dreams and let them figure out if their dreams and goals are reachable or impossible. Help the child develop a winning attitude and approach to goal setting and see what happens.

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How can I stop being attracted to my parents?

Make the decision to stand up to them, and not get overly angry. Do not obsess over pleasing them; remember that you have your life to live. You cannot change your parents; that is a fact you must accept. However, you can choose to distance yourself from them. Stand your ground, and do not get too defensive if they accuse you of neglecting them.

How do I deal with my parents who are controlling?

Develop a plan to set boundaries and gain control of your life. Make the decision to stand up to them, and not get overly angry. Do not obsess over pleasing them; remember that you have your life to live. You cannot change your parents; that is a fact you must accept.