
How do I stop feeling mediocre?

How do I stop feeling mediocre?

Here are some things you can do to get out of the pits of mediocrity and back on the pathway to success!

  1. Get your priorities straight. Reevaluate where you’re headed.
  2. Take stock.
  3. Step away for a while.
  4. Set achievable goals.
  5. Never quit trying.
  6. Believe in your dream.
  7. Acknowledge your mountain.
  8. Ask for help.

Why do people fear mediocrity?

A lot of people are afraid to accept mediocrity because they believe if they accept it, they’ll never achieve anything, never improve, and that their life won’t matter. This sort of thinking is dangerous.

What is the fear of being normal?

Koinophobia: The Fear of Being Ordinary.

Is it okay to accept mediocrity?

The reality is that people who excel at something do so because they accept that they are not great at it now — they are mediocre. This allows them to become better. Embracing your mediocrity gives you the mental and emotional capacity to improve.

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Why do we fear mediocrity?

Fear of mediocrity is the bane of the conscious. We humans cannot afford to rest. We must always seek. Mediocrity dulls the effects of that drive, and the effectiveness of any efforts. Mediocrity is also the jelly blob in which people seek comfort when they want o persecute the exceptional.

What is the best solution for mediocrity?

Mediocrity is also the jelly blob in which people seek comfort when they want o persecute the exceptional. The best solution for mediocrity is to develop ones abilities to the optimal level. The best way to do that, is to dissolve the fears, fables, fallacies, agendas imposed on us by parents, teachers, preachers, politicians.

Is mediocre not going to cut it?

Whether or not we happen to be gainfully employed, it’s a message that pushes a button for so many women: We’re convinced that mediocre is never going to cut it, that “average” is something barely north of failure.