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How do I stop thinking about exercise as a chore?

How do I stop thinking about exercise as a chore?

How I Stopped Seeing Exercise as a Chore (and Started Actually Enjoying It!)

  1. Inspire.
  2. “Play the tape through to the end.” Rather then focusing on how hard the workout is going to be, focus on the pride you’ll feel at the end.
  3. Fake It Until You Make It.
  4. When all else fails, trick yourself!

How do you become addicted to exercise?

How to Become an Exercise Addict

  1. Get up earlier. Right this minute, go set your alarm and lay out everything you need for your morning workout.
  2. Give it six weeks.
  3. Find your niche.
  4. Hire a trainer.
  5. Become a groupie.
  6. Don’t overdo it.
  7. Get techy (and social)
  8. Make it a ritual.
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Why does exercise feel like a chore?

Phillips says it could be physiological, such as from endorphins or serotonin, or from spending time with a friend while working out. It’s important to note that intrinsic reward takes time and experience to develop—not everyone loves exercising when they first start, Phillips says.

How can you make exercising a lifelong habit?

Here are some ways you can make fitness a lasting habit

  1. Make concise goals and be realistic. Set specific goals.
  2. Stay organized and consistent with a workout schedule.
  3. Plan and prepare your meals ahead of time.
  4. Participate in activities that you enjoy.
  5. Celebrate your accomplishments.
  6. Track your progress.

Why is physical fitness life long?

Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.

What is a fitness habit?

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Fitness habits aren’t about the “best” workout or hitting the gym a certain number of times a week; they’re about establishing practices in your life that will support your workout routine and help you reach your goals.

Why is Exergaming a good idea?

Exergaming can help improve coordination and body movements. Another benefit of exergaming is that it helps to decrease stress levels, as it provides a way to have fun and relieve stress. Kids get an aerobic workout while playing, and exergaming has cardiovascular benefits.

How to make exercise fun not a chore?

13 Ways To Make Exercise Fun, Not A Chore 1. Exercise with a friend.. If you struggle to get out of bed in the morning for a pre-work gym session, or come up with… 2. Join a class.. Break away from the gym and try something new. Join a class in your local area, such as yoga, pilates,… 3.

What are the best chore-workouts to lose weight?

Planking – Planking is a great way to build your core and firm up your middle. When you’re on the floor scrubbing, take a few minutes to plank. Curls – If you’re weed-whacking, carrying a bucket, or using some other weighty tool, stop every few minutes and do curls using the weight of the item to augment your chore-workout.

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How can I make exercise more fun?

There are lots of ways to make exercise fun, whether you have five minutes or five hours to spare. To help, here are some of our top suggestions to put the fun back into your exercise routine: 1. Exercise with a friend.

What can I do if I don’t feel like exercise?

Whilst we’re not suggesting you skip the gym and head to the mall, there are lots of activities you can do that won’t feel like exercise. Get outside and do some gardening, tidy out your shed, blitz your housework, and enjoy a calorie busting spring clean. 4. Reward yourself.