How do I stop YouTube from recommending the same videos over and over?

How do I stop YouTube from recommending the same videos over and over?

Just click on the 3-dot menu beside the video title to reveal the “Not interested” and “Don’t recommend channel” options.

How do I reset my YouTube recommendations?

How to Reset YouTube Recommendations

  1. Click your username at the top-right of any YouTube page.
  2. In the menu that appears, click Your Data In YouTube.
  3. Scroll down to find YouTube Search History and click the field labeled Manage your YouTube Search History.
  4. Click the Delete button underneath the Search your activity bar.

Why does YouTube keep recommending me the same videos?

Originally Answered: Why does YouTube keep on recommending videos I’ve already watched? As mentioned by others already, YouTube has publicly announced they’ll recommend videos you’ve already watched because it’s highly likely you’ll watch it again.

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Why does YouTube keep suggesting videos I’ve already watched?

The possible reasons for Why is YouTube showing (suggest) already watched videos are – Previously paused videos which are not viewed completely, Videos which best match with your watch history or search queries.

Why does YouTube keep recommending old videos?

Generally, YouTube will look to promote new content that’s in line with the user’s interests. However, YouTube’s algorithm uses many signals to determine the likelihood of a video being watched. One of them is also going to be popularity in general.

Why is YouTube recommending videos from years ago?

Watching videos that are older will get you older videos. Watching videos that are from a specific channel will get you videos from that channel, no matter how old they may be. Watching videos from a specific topic will get you more videos from that topic, usually based on how popular or watched those videos are.

Why does YouTube keep playing the same videos?

Autoplay could be sticking with your most played songs based on your watch history. An issue with the YouTube annotations feature. A plugin that might be preventing ads from loading.

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Can you reset your YouTube account?

You can delete your YouTube channel, which erases all of your videos, comments, messages, and playlists, but the entire account itself will still be available. Or you have the opportunity to go all in and just delete your Google account entirely.

How do I get around YouTube algorithm?

Here are 5 ways to optimize videos for YouTube algorithm and outrank your competitors:

  1. Optimize videos for YouTube algorithm. YouTube, in many ways, is like TV 2.0.
  2. Creating effective metadata.
  3. Research your competitors on YouTube.
  4. Doing YouTube keyword research.
  5. Use long tail keywords as YouTube tags.

Why are YouTube recommendations so annoying to some people?

Practically speaking, this can go two ways. It can be annoying when being recommended videos that represent no value being watched again (maybe episodes in a series for example), but there is a good chance you’ll watch a music video, exercise video, recipe, etc. again as these are more repeatable events.

Is every recommended YouTube video now one I’ve already seen?

This issue has to stop. YouTube has been gold for years. Now all of a sudden, BOOM, every recommended video is one I’ve already seen. Our automated system analyzes replies to choose the one that’s most likely to answer the question. If it seems to be helpful, we may eventually mark it as a Recommended Answer. Helpful?

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Why do YouTube embedded videos always show up at the end?

The YouTube environment has a default setting that shows suggested videos when the video finishes. You used to be able to disable this feature entirely. But in September 2017, YouTube changed the way embedded videos behave and now related videos will ALWAYS show up at the end of your video.

What is YouTube AutoPlay and how does it work?

YouTube just picks up random videos,no matter if you’ve seen them or not. Instead of the next video in sequence automatically playing regardless of the action a viewer takes, the timer on the autoplay video will now pause if you have scrolled down into the comments section of the video and will progress when you have returned to the video player.