
How do interfaith couples raise children?

How do interfaith couples raise children?

Alternating Services: For many interfaith families alternating attendance is one of the easiest ways to maintain balance. This exposure allows children to see first hand why their parents believe what they do and how they practice their faith. At the same time this approach can be very confusing for children.

Can a child have two religions?

Choosing one religion works for many families, but not all of them. After conducting a survey of parents who joined interfaith communities and put their children in interfaith education programs, I believe that celebrating two religions can enrich and strengthen families and greatly benefit children.

How do mixed religions raise children?

4 Tips for Raising Interfaith Kids

  1. Make the Decision Before You Need to Make the Decision. Before kids come, you may find each other’s religious differences easy to morph into daily life.
  2. Understand the Difference Between Religion and Tradition.
  3. Choose a House of Worship.
  4. Factor in Your Extended Family.
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Can a person have 2 religions?

Those who practice double belonging claim to be an adherent of two different religions at the same time or incorporate the practices of another religion into their own faith life.

What happens to children of two different religions when they marry?

Many marriage ceremonies involve components of both religions (such as Rabbis and Priests both giving blessings). Usually children with parents who have two different faiths grow up learning about and practicing both religions.

Why do children tend to follow their mother’s religion?

In most interfaith marriages they say, the child often tend to follow the religion the mother follows because the mother is the one who has maximum influence on the children, spending maximum time with the child in the case of stay at home moms, or being primarily responsible for the child even in the case of working moms.

Why is interfaith marriage bad for the church?

This is understandable, to reiterate a previous point: interfaith marriage can draw orthodox followers away from their religions. From the perspective of a priest, or rabbi, etc. this could mean that the perpetuation of the church or faith could be in danger. Less followers equals uncertain future for the religion.

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What do children of mixed marriages identify as?

In other religions, children of mixed marriages may be more up for grabs, so to speak. Obviously, if children are baptized in a particular denomination, they would probably identify themselves as being raised a certain kind of Christian.