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How do INTJs become best friends?

How do INTJs become best friends?

Inclusion. If you’re friends with an INTJ, don’t just assume they don’t want to be included in something. Invite them and give them the option whether or not to hang out. They might turn you down, considering how much they love their alone time, but don’t make them feel guilty if that happens — and keep asking.

Is it hard for INTJs to make friends?

It’s no secret that INTJs have a hard time making friends. Most INTJs would rather spend their time acquiring knowledge than wasting time with irrational social rituals such as small talk, gift giving and reciprocity. This may cause other personality types to perceive them as cold, distant and standoffish.

Why are INTJs loners?

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INTJs can alienate themselves from most people, since they don’t want to constantly explain this need for alone time. This can be a struggle for them, since INTJs really need people who can appreciate their need for space and time to themselves.

What are INTJ friends like?

INTJs are honest friends, who will be upfront with people no matter what. They don’t believe in pretending or being insincere, and so they strive to be completely honest with people. When their friends need some direct advice the INTJ is more than capable of giving this to them.

What does an INTJ want in a best friend?

INTJs want a best friend who can come close to keeping up with them. Someone who can spark their mind and keep the conversation interesting- is truly valuable for the INTJ. They do not want a flighty friend, especially when it comes to loyalty and honesty.

Are intjs unfeeling or robotic?

Even though they are introverts, INTJs put a high value on friendships, and they can make wonderful friends. As someone with an INTJ best friend who also happens to be my sister, I find it puzzling when I hear people talk about INTJs as unfeeling or robotic.

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What does the INFJ Love in a relationship?

When the INFJ loves, they do it very deeply and in a lasting way. They want a best friend who will commit to their friendship, and who will take it just as seriously as they would a romantic relationship. This connection is important to the INFJ, and they want someone who they can feel truly bonded to.

Do intjs have feelings?

Contrary to rumor, INTJs do have feelings. Your unkind words can hurt them deeply, but you can also hurt them with insincerity. They would much rather have you “tell it like it is” than talk in circles trying to protect their feelings.