
How do kpop idols deal with eye bags?

How do kpop idols deal with eye bags?

Most of the idols hide it very well with by applying concealer to shadow the eye circles or the eye bags. Alternatively, the pictures that you normally see of K-pop idols are usually white-washed before the pictures are released for fans. For intentional fans, most of the pictures we see are pictures taken by fan site.

How do kpop stars make their eyes bigger?

“Use an easily blendable eyeliner or shadow to extend your lower lash line straight out, starting from the middle of your lash line. Doing so at the outer corner of your eyes makes them appear more open. This creates a natural shadow for bigger-looking eyes.” Yup, it’s as easy as it sounds!

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Do Kpop artists get plastic surgery?

Achieving fame as a K-pop star involves years of intensive training, and often some plastic surgery.

Why do Koreans don’t get dark circles?

Why do Koreans do not have dark circles? Korean Skin Care products are infused with hydrating ingredients that help keep the dark circles at bay. Koreans make sure to use such creams in their eye skin every morning and evening to keep their eyes looking plump and fresh.

Do kpop stars get plastic surgery?

K-pop stars before and after plastic surgery. The most common procedure is double eyelid surgery, which creates a more Western-looking eye. “In Korea, eyelid surgery is regarded as a gift from parents to congratulate graduation from high school to university,” a Gangnam-based plastic surgeon told Business Insider.

Why is K-pop so obsessed with surgery?

“K-pop is a package that’s not confined to the music,” he said. Before the K-pop boom, Korean youth already were being brought up on a diet of surgery, so the idea of an operation to look like their favorite starlet is socially acceptable.

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What are the dangers of being a K-pop star?

Being a K-Pop star can also be an in-road to an acting career. In 2010, Korea Joongang Daily reported that 60 percent of actresses were expected to sexually pay for roles in some way. Actresses have even been known to kill themselves over the expectation of prostitution.

How do Korean women make their under-eye bags pop out?

But women in Korea are doing everything they can to make their under-eye skin plumper – whether through make-up or by using little sticky strips of tape that make the skin beneath the eye ‘pop’ out. Some women are even having plastic surgery to achieve the look, while others are resorting to using commercial filler and fat grafts.