Tips and tricks

How do PhD students get stipends?

How do PhD students get stipends?

1. The stipend for junior research fellows (JRF) in the first two years of PhD programme was hiked by Rs 6000 they will now get Rs 31,000 per month instead of Rs 25,000. 2. Rs 54,000 per month has been fixed as the highest cap for research associated activities.

Is PhD stipend negotiable?

The Graduate Director is the one that can control the money. The faculty can only put in good word on a student’s behalf. So as a prospective PhD student, you should know who you can talk to and know who you can negotiate with. The PhD program interview was a good time to negotiate PhD stipend offers.

What is the monthly stipend for PhD students at IITB?

I am a PhD student at IITB. The monthly stipend for the students admitted under TA category is 31000 for first two years and 35000 for the next three years. Institute provides 24\% HRA if you are married and the institute is not able to provide in-campus accommodation.

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Are graduate stipends for PhD programs taxable?

Colleges and universities may offer graduate students in certain disciplines a stipend. The Internal Revenue Service defines an educational stipend as a fixed amount of money paid to the student on a periodic basic to help defray costs. Stipends for stipends for PhD programs may be taxable depending on how…

Can science graduates afford IIT course fees?

Many Science Graduates have a dream to get higher education such as MSc and PhD from IITs but not all can afford the course fees of IITs. To reduce the financial burden for brilliant candidates, Indian Institute of Technology provides many IIT Scholarships which are based on the following criterion:

What can I exclude from my income if I have a PhD?

If you are a candidate for a degree, such as a PhD, you can exclude from your income any amount received from a stipend, grant, fellowship or scholarship that you used to pay for fees and tuition that the institution required for enrollment or attendance.