
How do physicists view the role of mathematics?

How do physicists view the role of mathematics?

For physicists, math is a tool used to answer questions. For example, Newton invented calculus to help describe motion. For mathematicians, physics can be a source of inspiration, with theoretical concepts such as general relativity and quantum theory providing an impetus for mathematicians to develop new tools.

What is the difference between mathematics and engineering?

A mathematician is a person who solves a math problem. On the other hand, engineers use their practical and mathematical understanding for solving a problem. Engineers can work on many fields like structures, computer, designs, cars, and many more. They find solutions for real life math problems.

What is intuition math?

Intuitionism is based on the idea that mathematics is a creation of the mind. The truth of a mathematical statement can only be conceived via a mental construction that proves it to be true, and the communication between mathematicians only serves as a means to create the same mental process in different minds.

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Why is mathematics considered as the language of physics?

Mathematics is the most fundamental type of logic possible (in physics anyway), and therefore it is easy to reason that mathematics is the best way of expressing the universe. But if we choose to ignore the murky waters of elementary logic, mathematics becomes the language of the universe simply because it has to be.

What is the difference between engineering mathematics and pure mathematics?

Pure mathematics is typically the catch all term for fields of mathematics such as abstract algebra, topology, and areas of functional analysis. Good engineers use more mathematics than this when they need to. Engineering is mostly about solving problems and the more tools you have the better.

What is the difference between a mathematician and a physicist?

The intention of a mathematician is different from that of a physicists. Physicists depend on mathematical models to validate their hypothesis and prove their physical models work. Mathematicians depend on philosophy and logic to express purity of human thoughts in a formal language.

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What is the relationship between math and physics?

Math and physics are two closely connected fields. For physicists, math is a tool used to answer questions. For example, Newton invented calculus to help describe motion.

Are mathematicians smarter than philosophers?

Mathematicians depend on philosophy and logic to express purity of human thoughts in a formal language. Once you add Philosophers to the mix, we cannot conclude that one is smarter than the other. They all need each other to express themselves intellectually. Albert Einstein died wishing he knew more math.

Who had the correct mathematical explanation about general theory of relativity?

David Hilbert had the correct mathematical explanation about General Theory of Relativity but Einstein had the most appropriate answer to this theory. Hilbert is one the greatest mathematician in modern era in the same way that Einstein is one of the greatest physicists. The intention of a mathematician is different from that of a physicists.