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How do two species evolve similar traits if they are not descended from a common ancestor?

How do two species evolve similar traits if they are not descended from a common ancestor?

Convergent evolution is the independent evolution of similar features in species of different periods or epochs in time. Convergent evolution creates analogous structures that have similar form or function but were not present in the last common ancestor of those groups.

When two species evolve in different directions from a common ancestor it is called?

In divergent evolution, species from a common ancestral origin evolve similar anatomical parts (called homologous structures) but with dissimilar functions. One possible cause of divergent evolution is migration.

Is there genetic similarity in convergent evolution?

Well-documented cases of convergent evolution of similar DNA sequences are not plentiful; such cases are usually restricted to a few amino acids. Convergent evolution can mislead phylogenetic inference because it mimics shared ancestry.

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How are two organisms who descend from the same common ancestor related?

When two organisms share a common ancestor, their genetic code has to be similar. For example, all life on earth shares the genes responsible for essential biological processes such as respiration which means that all organisms evolved from a common ancestor called Last Universal Common Ancestor(LUCA).

When similar traits evolve independently in species that do not share common ancestry it is called divergent evolution?

Divergent evolution describes the process in which two species evolve in diverse directions from a common point. Convergent evolution is the process in which similar traits evolve independently in species that do not share a recent common ancestry.

How are convergent and divergent evolution similar?

Divergent evolution occurs when two separate species evolve differently from a common ancestor. Convergent evolution occurs when species have different ancestral origins but have developed similar features. A good example of convergent evolution is the similarities between the hummingbird and the hummingbird moth.

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How is convergent evolution different from divergent evolution?

The main difference between convergent evolution and divergent evolution is that convergent evolution is the development of similar features in two species with different ancestral origins whereas divergent evolution is a process where two different species share a common ancestor.

What is genetic convergent evolution?

Convergent evolution—in which distinct lineages independently evolve similar traits—has fascinated evolutionary biologists for centuries [1], in large part because convergent evolution is often thought to represent a visible manifestation of the power of natural selection.

Is parallel evolution and convergent evolution the same?

Strictly speaking, convergent evolution occurs when descendants resemble each other more than their ancestors did with respect to some feature. Parallel evolution implies that two or more lineages have changed in similar ways, so that the evolved descendants are as similar to each other as their ancestors were.

Which type of evolution involves unrelated or distantly related organisms?

Convergent evolution involves unrelated, or distantly related, organisms developing similar traits. How is coevolution similar to convergent evolution? Which of the following is most likely an example of coevolution?

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Can two species merge through convergent evolution?

Two species can merge through hybridization, or through obligate endosymbiosis. It’s unlikely this would happen through convergent evolution. Convergent evolution happens when different lineages independently acquire the same adaptations. Importantly, this convergence usually happens at the phenotypic level, not at the genetic level.

What is an example of convergent evolution in antifreeze?

Antifreeze proteins are a perfect example of convergent evolution. Different small proteins with a flat surface which is rich in threonine from different organisms are selected to bind to the surface of ice crystals. “These include two proteins from fish, the ocean pout and the winter flounder,…

What happens when two species with convergent adaptations interbreed?

In other words, when two species that have convergent adaptations interbreed, there will be a lot of unpredictable interactions between their genes, even between the genes creating their convergent adaptations.