
How do you answer difficult questions in exams?

How do you answer difficult questions in exams?

Strategy Suggestions

  1. Pick out the options you are sure are correct.
  2. Pick out the options you are sure are incorrect.
  3. Rule out all answers that contain wrong options.
  4. Rule out all answers that omit options you are sure of.
  5. Select the best remaining answer.

What is the best answer to guess on a multiple choice test?

The idea that C is the best answer to choose when guess-answering a question on a multiple choice test rests on the premise that ACT answer choices are not truly randomized. In other words, the implication is that answer choice C is correct more often than any other answer choice.

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Do college professors reuse tests?

No, you cannot reuse an exam — even when you are teaching the same class.

Do professors Really Want you to come to class?

Professors really want you to come to class. They want you to learn the material, and, more important, they feel really cruddy when only 10 students shown up the day before spring break. (Hey, they’d like to be off skiing, too.)

Why don’t professors teach service courses anymore?

Especially at large state universities, where the student-faculty ratio is approaching 20 to 1, professors can’t be bothered to teach the so-called “service” courses—you know, those humongous intro courses where the only thing being serviced is the mindless distribution (or gen ed or lower-division) requirements.

Are professors Softies or toughies?

That’s why professors announce draconian rules like a half-grade penalty for each day the work is late. But underneath the tough-guy (or tough-gal) exteriors, most professors are softies.

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How do you find out what’s on the test?

Little do they realize that, in many cases, the info is there for the looking. Sample exams, copies of old exams, study guides, hints dropped by the TA in section, and questions gone over by the prof in review sessions are often exact road maps of what’s going to be on the test. Don’t stare a gift horse in the mouth.