Why do teens lose interest in things?

Why do teens lose interest in things?

Mental health issues — Teen stress, depression or ADHD could be impacting your son’s life. Substance abuse — Drug or alcohol abuse may also be a factor when a teen loses interest in school. If you suspect your son has drug or alcohol issues, consult with a substance abuse treatment counselor.

Does every teenager have depression?

About 20 percent of all teens experience depression before they reach adulthood. Between 10 to 15 percent suffer from symptoms at any one time. Only 30 percent of depressed teens are being treated for it.

Is depression part of being a teenager?

Issues such as peer pressure, academic expectations and changing bodies can bring a lot of ups and downs for teens. But for some teens, the lows are more than just temporary feelings — they’re a symptom of depression.

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Why is my teenager so miserable?

It has long been understood that certain factors – family history, family dysfunction, chemical imbalance, early childhood trauma, bullying, sexual orientation, and others put teens at a greater risk for depression, but none of these factors explain the recent dramatic increase in depression.

How can I help my teenage son recover from depression?

A key step in recovering from depression is seeking professional support. If he hasn’t already, encourage him to make an appointment with a doctor and explain what’s going on in his life. When dealing with serious health issues like depression, it’s important to reach out early and seek support from those trained in helping others get better.

Does your teenager want to feel depressed?

It’s a guarantee that your teen does not want to feel depressed. They are probably not doing it for attention. They just need to know you love them and that you are there for them. Keep the lines of communication open and love them just the way they are, depressed or not. 10. Have them meet with a therapist that specializes in teens and depression

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How do I talk to my son about his depression?

It’s important to share your own feelings with your son, in order to build trust, to demonstrate what sharing feelings is like, and to normalize the experience of people dealing with difficult emotions. If you have any personal experience with depression (or know a friend who does) tell him about it.

What is depdepression and how does it affect teens?

Depression is more than sadness. It’s an inability to feel joy. This is confusing and frightening for anyone to feel, and as a way to find relief from that, or to distract themselves from their pain, teens might turn to all sorts of risky or addictive behaviour.