How do you balance two passions?

How do you balance two passions?

Balancing passion when you have a zillion ideas or interests

  1. 5 ways for the multi-passionate to find balance:
  2. Make a decision. One of the possible culprits of your juggling act may very well be that you are passive about decision making.
  3. Know your why’s.
  4. Focus.
  5. Blend your primaries and your secondaries.
  6. Plan.

What to do when you have many passions?

Here’s what they had to say:

  1. Focus on What Keeps Coming Back. “Take notice of the interest that keeps coming back most often.
  2. Jump In. “The only way to know which passion you should pursue is to try them all.
  3. Try Month-Long Experiments.
  4. Stay Patient.
  5. Ask Others.
  6. Do Nothing.
  7. Stay Agile.
  8. Do Your Research.

How can I have multiple interests?

Here’s how I’m pursuing my multiple muses and staying sane:

  1. Be realistic. You have a limited amount of time each day/week/month to work on each of your passions.
  2. Keep an inspiration notebook. My notebook is small and very portable.
  3. Write it down.
  4. Be as specific as possible.
  5. Schedule time for each passion.
  6. Be flexible.
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How do you balance many hobbies?

The first step is to prioritize your hobbies so you know what’s really important.

  1. Organize and Prioritize Your Hobbies.
  2. Create a Project or Entertainment To-Do List.
  3. Budget Time Every Day, No Excuses.
  4. Give Yourself Mini-Hobby Vacations.
  5. The Initial Dip: Don’t Overspend.
  6. Use Your To-Do List as a Budget Tool.

What to do if you cant decide on a career?

How to Choose a Career When You Can’t Decide What to Do

  1. Make a List.
  2. Determine Your Skills and Work Style.
  3. Take a Career Aptitude Test.
  4. Explore Industries.
  5. Test It Out.
  6. Types of Organizations to Look For.
  7. Seek Feedback.
  8. Take Time to Consider Your Options.

Is it bad to have a lot of interests?

To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with someone with many interests and creative pursuits. People are driven by curiosity and the need to know more about the world we live in. As we move further up the hierarchy of needs we’re given more opportunities to dive further into our various interests.