
How do you calm down a Kundalini?

How do you calm down a Kundalini?

What to Do if Kundalini Energy Feels Out of Control

  1. Immediately stop spiritual practices that over-stimulate the spine.
  2. Find a good spiritual counselor.
  3. Mentally surround yourself with Light.
  4. Keep a picture of a great master or saint, like Yogananda or Jesus, and pray deeply for help as needed.

What does Kundalini focus on?

A specific form of meditation that may be particularly helpful is Kundalini, which focuses on primal energy. Kundalini meditation is a way of channeling your energy and releasing yourself from stress and living on “auto-pilot.”

How can I Help my kundalini awakening?

Practices that help you focus on dissolving the ego, letting go of attachment to the physical plane, and finding like-minded people is all part of the process. When you assist your spiritual awakening the uncomfortable effects of the Kundalini rising begins to fade away.

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What does a Kundalini awakening look like?

It can be scary, disorientating, dislocating and downright awful when Kundalini awakens. Sometimes a Kundalini Awakening will look like mental illness, physical illness, or emotional difficulties. It can be difficult to figure out exactly what’s going on, all you know is something freaky is happening.

What happens when Kundalini energy uncoils?

When the Kundalini energy first uncoils itself and awakens it is very intense. Some people feel it as blissful while others struggle through it entirely. Although the entire awakening process is divine transcendence as people are experiencing a death of their ego and rewiring of cells. We all know that deep transformation is not always comfortable.

Is there a cure for Kundalini psychosis?

But Because the root of this disorder is actually energetic, the most effective cure for Kundalini psychosis is to lead the energy back down from the head to the navel or soles of the feet. This is accomplished by opening the Microcosmic Orbit.