
How do you come up with video game ideas?

How do you come up with video game ideas?

And of course, always keep that player-character dynamic in mind.

  1. Outline the major storyline.
  2. Decide what type of game it will be.
  3. Develop your world.
  4. Create your main characters.
  5. Create a flowchart of your major story.
  6. Start writing the major story.
  7. Add in side quests, NPCs, and other small details.

Where should I start making video games?

How to Develop a Video Game

  • Pick a concept. Generate a few game concepts to see what kind of game you want to make.
  • Gather information. Game creation involves extensive research.
  • Start building.
  • Refine your concept.
  • Test your game.
  • Market the finished product.

Who writes stories for video games?

What is a video game writer? A video game writer is part of the overall video game design team. They write the storyline and character backstories that accompany the gameplay, graphics and other technical elements of the video game.

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Who is the best video game developer?

List Of The Top Game Development Companies

  • Nintendo.
  • Ubisoft.
  • Sony Interactive Entertainment.
  • Activision Blizzard.
  • Epic Games.
  • Gameloft.
  • Square Enix.
  • Bungie Inc.

How do I get inspiration to build a game?

A great way to stay inspired is to watch people who’ve already gone through what you’re going through. In the case of building a game, it can be helpful to pick one of your favorite games (or development companies) and find YouTube presentations or interviews with the team behind that game (or that development company).

How do you come up with game ideas for a game?

Use a small notepad or an app on your phone to record any ideas that pop into your head. Using a game idea log can make it easier to come up with ideas. Before you know it, you’ll have an entire little book of potential hit games.

How do you make a good video game?

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Take an idea or two that you like from games and think about the process that might make a game better that would use those ideas. Plot out what a player would do in order to start playing the game, and what kinds of things would be fun for a player to do.

How do you make friends in the gaming industry?

Try to start up a ‘game related’ conversation and sneak in some possible game concepts that you’ve been bouncing around in your head. Be inquisitive and find out what type of games people like to play by asking your friends, co-workers, family members or even strangers on the street. The more opinions, the better.