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How do you convert grades to German system?

How do you convert grades to German system?

As per the study conducted by WES, the average grade in Germany is approximately around 3.0 and below WES table converts a 3.0 to a B equivalent in the US….Grading Practice in Germany.

Percentage German Grade Description
80-90\% 1.6–2.5 “gut” (good: an achievement substantially above average requirements)

How do you convert American grades to German?

To give you a general idea as per what your current grades translate into the German grading system, we provide a handy conversion table….German grades compared to British and American grades.

German Grade Grade Definition US grade
1.6 – 2.5 Gut (Good) A/B
2.6 – 3.5 Befriedigend (Satisfying) C

How can I convert my CGPA to German GPA?

This is known as the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). So, for example, if you have achieved 85\%, this would convert to a CGPI of 8.5….Information that you need to provide in order to convert to GPA:

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Percentage GPA in Germany Value
90-100\% 1.0-1.5 “Ser gut” – Outstanding
80-90\% 1.6-2.5 “Gut” – Good

Can I get admission in Germany with 2.5 GPA?

Answer: Most Master’s programs in Germany accept from 2.5 GPA upward. Note; according to the German system, German Universities require an average GPA of 2.5 on a 5.0 scale for Master’s Degrees programs in 2021.

Is there a Grade calculator for German grades?

German Grade Calculator. This simple German grade calculator converts the grades in GPA, percentage or american grading system (1.0-4.0) into German grading system (4.0-1.0) using Modified Bavarian Formula. Request Callback. There are several grade conversion systems that exist which can provide a good approximation to the German grading scale.

What is the best grade conversion system for the German grade scale?

There are several grade conversion systems that exist which can provide a good approximation to the German grading scale. One such system used by most universities is the modified bavarian formula.

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How does the German grading system apply to universities?

Since the German grading system might be quite different from the grading system universities in your home country apply, your grades must be converted to the German grading system first. Only then the admission board at your favorite university in Germany can decide if you meet specific entry requirements set in place.

What is the modified Bavarian grade formula?

The modified Bavarian formula is used for converting grades from foreign universities to the German grading system. You can use the grade calculator below to help determine your equivalent grade. Maximum grades and passing grades for each country are available in the anabin database of the Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen.