
How do you convince your parents to get you an iPhone?

How do you convince your parents to get you an iPhone?

Consider getting a job. As part of your strategy to convince your parents to get you an iPhone, you may want to help pay for it. You’ll, of course, need money of your own to be able to do this. So long as your parents are ok with it, consider finding a part-time job after school or on weekends.

How can I convince my parents to get me an iPhone 12?

It’s fairly easy, follow these steps on how to convince your parents.

  1. Step 1: Prepare yourself. Being mentally prepare, is what you should do before you are having a talk with your parents.
  2. Step 2: Convince them through your action. Walk the talk.
  3. Step 3: Talk to your parents. It’s time to get in action.
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How to convince your parents to buy you an iPhone?

Do your own research. Before convincing your parents, research how much it will cost them to buy or upgrade to the iPhone. Find out the network carrier your family prefers and the current plan you are on. Go online, or even to the physical store to consult the cost.

How to convince your parents to upgrade your phone?

You need to devote several weeks or even months to turning things around before you make your request. If you already have a phone, keep careful track of it. If you are constantly losing it, your parents will remember that when you ask them to upgrade you to a more expensive model.

Should you tell your parents you have an iPhone?

While an iPhone can be a helpful tool for school (more on that later), your parents may be worried that it will distract you from your studies. Before you talk to your parents about getting an iPhone, take a careful, honest look at your grades.

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How can I convince my parents to give me money?

Whether your money comes from your own work or from an allowance or gifts, you need to show your parents that you are able to save and budget your money. Make and stick to, a budget. Take the time to draw up a budget that outlines your weekly/monthly income, and which lists your regular expenses. Then, be very careful about sticking to your budget.