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How do you deal with a childish sister?

How do you deal with a childish sister?

Here are their answers.

  1. Serenity now and peace be mine. Know your bill of rights.
  2. Take time to respond, rather than react.
  3. Stay calm in volatile situations.
  4. Suspend your disbelief.
  5. Know your triggers.
  6. See their behavior as an opportunity for self-growth.
  7. Common ground.
  8. Bond over commonalities.

Why does my older sister act like a child?

Before a younger sibling is born, mothers often return to their parents’ house and older children become lonely and sad about not being able to spend time with their mother. To get more attention from his/her parents, the older sibling often acts like their baby brother or sister.

How do I get my daughter to stop misbehaving?

When someone, perhaps your parents or yourself, go to give her something stop and think for a moment about that. Make it such that she gets something when she does good things. When she acts out or misbehaves give her nothing or make sure she has no fun for the next few hours.

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How can I control my sister’s narcissistic behavior?

While you can’t control your sister’s narcissistic behavior, you can control your own. Instead of trying to change her, look at how you can change your own habits to support yourself. Look at the ways you tolerate her narcissistic behaviour and how this might actually be supporting it.

Do you remember trying to make up with your sister?

You remember trying to make up with your sister. You started to believe that you were at fault, that something was intrinsically the matter with you. Being innocent you shared your secrets with this sister only to discover that she betrayed your trust and told your deepest thoughts and feelings to your narcissistic mother.

How do you deal with a parent with a mental illness?

You are no good to anyone if you are overwhelmed. There are other families willing to help and talk with you. Find a support group for parents of someone with a mental illness. The expertise in those rooms is invaluable, life-saving even.