
How do you deal with strict parents grades?

How do you deal with strict parents grades?

Talking to your parents about a bad grade is never fun, but if you’re well prepared for the discussion, it can be fruitful.

  1. Don’t cave in to the temptation to lie.
  2. Get it over with as soon as possible.
  3. Imagine the worst possible outcome.
  4. Expect disappointment.
  5. Present an overall picture of your grades.

How do I get my mom to stop doing my homework?

Make sure you are turning all assignments in on time.

  1. Use your schedule to write down all upcoming assignments and keep track of them as you complete them and turn them in.
  2. If your parents see you doing your homework, they will have less of a reason to nag you about it.

Is AB plus a bad grade?

What Does a B+ Grade Mean? B+ is a good high school grade. As a matter of fact, it’s an above-average high school grade. However, the most common grade scale is the letter grade scale.

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Is AB okay in college?

Getting straight A’s in college may look good on paper, but getting B’s while taking the time for professional and personal growth is just as valuable. While a 4.0 GPA may help achieve your career goals, employers will consider a number of factors, including character and experience with internships and activities.

What does it mean when your parents care more about your grades?

Your parents caring about your grades now more than your social life, means they love you. A lot. The friends and peers that make fun of you for listening to your parents and setting high standards for yourself are secretly jealous. They wish their parents cared as much as yours. I know.

What is the average grade for a B grade?

According to, a site begun by former Duke professor Stuart Rojstaczer, between 1920 and 2006, the average grade has gone from just above a 2.3 (C plus) to 3.0 (B). He believes grade inflation as a result of professors internalizing student expectations.

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Is it really the parents who complain about grades?

“Actually, it’s the parents,” she confessed with a wince. Then she launched into a story about one father who recently planted himself in her classroom during one of her lesson planning periods to complain about his son’s mediocre grades. “He just kept saying over and over: ‘In our family, that’s not acceptable.’ I didn’t know what to say to him.

Do good grades really make you happy?

Parents, like mine, believe good grades will bring happiness, and they are right. My dad immigrated from Vietnam to California when he was 18 years old in the late 1970s. He knew zero English.