
How do you describe windy weather?

How do you describe windy weather?

Blustery means the wind blowing strongly. gust and blast means a sudden strong wind. Brisk wind means the wind blowing quickly and actively. Piercing wind means the wind making you fell very cold.

Is windy similar to stormy?

As adjectives the difference between windy and stormy is that windy is accompanied by wind or windy can be (of a path etc) having many bends; winding, twisting or tortuous while stormy is of or pertaining to storms.

How do you describe strong wind?

Some nice words to describe wind include gusty (when it starts and stops), biting (when it is very cold) and howling (when it makes a loud noise). Heavy rain is torrential, while very light, fine rain is misty and persistent rain goes on for a long time.

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How would you describe a wind storm?

windstorm, a wind that is strong enough to cause at least light damage to trees and buildings and may or may not be accompanied by precipitation. Wind damage can be attributed to gusts (short bursts of high-speed winds) or longer periods of stronger sustained winds.

What is a stormy weather?

Stormy literally describes weather that has resulted in storms or that indicates that storms are coming—especially conditions like dark clouds, strong winds, thunder, lightning, and rain. It is often used in the phrase stormy weather.

How do you describe blowing wind?

For the wind, you can look into “gust” (noun), “blustery” (adjective), or their synonyms. The jacket flapping in the strong wind. swing, bounce, rock, sway, vibrate, flutter, wobble, oscillate, shake, wave, whip, be battered, flap, be agitated.

What’s a good word for wind?


  • blast,
  • blow,
  • flurry,
  • gale,
  • gust,
  • headwind,
  • squall,
  • tailwind,

How do you describe storm winds?

windstorm, a wind that is strong enough to cause at least light damage to trees and buildings and may or may not be accompanied by precipitation. Wind speeds during a windstorm typically exceed 55 km (34 miles) per hour. Intense winter storms are frequently the cause of long-lasting windstorms. …

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What is a windy storm?

: a storm marked by high wind with little or no precipitation.

How do you describe bad weather in a story?

You can bring these sound effects to your descriptions by using onomatopoeia, a device where words mimic the sounds of their meaning. For example, if a thunderstorm figures prominently in your story, the thunder could “rumble” or “boom,” rain could “patter” against the windows” and wind could “rush” across a field.