How do you find out what drives you in life?

How do you find out what drives you in life?

If you’re trying to find clarity on your sources of passion and motivation, there are actually a few easier ways to go about it.

  1. Think about it first thing in the morning.
  2. Make a list of your most rewarding professional and personal experiences.
  3. Talk to friends and family about how they see you.

What are the basic human drives?

Drive to Learn: the desire to satisfy our curiosity. Drive to Defend: the desire to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our property. Drive to Feel: the desire for emotional experiences like pleasure or excitement.

How do you answer “what drives you?

A fast answer with a generic response isn’t going to win you any points. Take time to really answer the question by first really looking at who you are and what you love…and most importantly, what drives you! 3. Be enthusiastic. This is what drives you! This is what you’re passionate about! Let that enthusiasm show!

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What motivates you as an individual?

The interviewer’s goal with both questions is to figure out what drives you as well as how you approach and view success. What motivates you as an individual is directly related to your ambitions, and hiring managers want to know what you like doing and why you like doing it. Hint: the answer is not “money.”.

How to Determine What Drives You (and Why It’s Important) 1 Think about it first thing in the morning. Right after the alarm clock rings, take a moment to gauge how you feel about the day ahead. 2 Make a list of your most rewarding professional and personal experiences. 3 Talk to friends and family about how they see you.

What motivates you to work at your current company?

Their specific example conveys their depth of experience with and passion for the job. In addition, it’s always helpful to include how your motivations would drive your future with the company. “The gratification of overcoming an obstacle is my greatest motivator.