
How do you find the maximum element between two numbers?

How do you find the maximum element between two numbers?

Below is step by step descriptive logic to find maximum.

  1. Input two numbers from user. Store it in some variable say num1 and num2 .
  2. Check if(num1 > num2) then print num1 is maximum.
  3. Check if(num2 > num1) then print num2 is maximum.
  4. Check if(num1 == num2) then both the numbers are equal.

Which of the following functions is used to find the maximum among two numbers?

MAX will return the largest value in a given list of arguments. From a given set of numeric values, it will return the highest value. Unlike MAXA function, the MAX function will count numbers but ignore empty cells, text, the logical values TRUE and FALSE, and text values.

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What does Max () do in C?

max is an inline function (implemented using GNU C smart macros) which returns the greater of a and b. They may be any numeric values, either integer or floating point numbers, and they also may be pointers to the same base type.

How do you find Max in C?

Declare function to find maximum First give a meaningful name to our function. Say max() function is used to find maximum between two numbers. Second, we need to find maximum between two numbers. Hence, the function must accept two parameters of int type say, max(int num1, int num2).

How do you find the maximum and minimum value in C?

Logic to find maximum and minimum element in an array in C:

  1. Create two intermediate variables max and min to store the maximum and minimum element of the array.
  2. Assume the first array element as maximum and minimum both, say max = arr[0] and min = arr[0].
  3. Traverse the given array arr[].

How do you find min and max in C?

How do you find the maximum of 3 numbers in C?

  1. Take the three numbers and store it in the variables num1, num2 and num3 respectively.
  2. Firstly check if the num1 is greater than num2.
  3. If it is, then check if it is greater than num3.
  4. If it is, then print the output as “num1 is the greatest among three”.
  5. Otherwise print the ouput as “num3 is the greatest among three”.
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What is #define MAX in C++?

C++ Algorithm max() C++ Algorithm max() function can be used in following 3 ways: It compares the two values passed in its arguments and returns the larger between them. It also compares the two values using a binary function which is defined by the user, and then passed as an argument in std::max().

How to find maximum between three numbers in a program?

In this program we will continue our discussion and we will write program to find maximum between three numbers. Step by step descriptive logic to find maximum between three numbers. Input three numbers from user. Store it in some variable say num1, num2 and num3. Compare first two numbers i.e. num1 > num2.

How to find the maximum of two numbers in C++?

The main () calls the maximum (int a, int b) function to find the maximum of two numbers. 2) The function maximum (int a,int b) returns ‘a’ if a>b.Otherwise, it returns ‘b’. 3) Store the returned value in the variable res. Print the res value which is the maximum of two numbers.

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Which macro will take arguments to find maximum of two numbers?

Here, we will learn how to define a Macro that will take arguments to find maximum of two numbers? Here, MAX is the Macro name x and y are the arguments. When program will compile, actual arguments which will be passed into the MAX Macro.

How to print the maximum number in C programming?

Hence, 40 will be printed as the maximum number. Thus, doing the same in C programming is as follows: Read the entered two numbers and store in the variables a,b. 2) If a>b then print “a is maximum number” otherwise print “b is the maximum number”. We are using macros concept.