
How do you get the audience on Wattpad?

How do you get the audience on Wattpad?

Here are some tips to get Wattpadders to read your story:

  1. Follow other writers and read their work.
  2. Acknowledge follows.
  3. Respond to comments and suggestions on your work and story.
  4. Engage others in conversation.
  5. Ask for advice.
  6. Use short or catchy titles.
  7. Update your fans.

Who wrote the fanfiction after?

She started by writing stories on her phone with the Wattpad app in 2013, publishing a chapter almost daily for over a year. Todd wrote three books in the After series on Wattpad. The series has sometimes been compared to the Fifty Shades trilogy as both series had their start as fan fiction.

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Who is the target audience for Wattpad?

What are the different Target Audiences? Middle Grade targets readers between the ages of 8-12. Young Adult targets readers between the ages of 13-18. New Adult targets readers between the ages of 18-24.

Is Wattpad a fanfic?

Wattpad also allows for original work along with fanfics and FFN only allows fanfiction. This blog post[3]says it best-“FanFiction and Wattpad are both sites for writing Fanfiction, however, that is one of the only things they have in common.”

Is Wattpad a literature or not?

Wattpad is an example of how the circulation of literature has changed due to digital technology, leading to a literary landscape in which the transmission of stories happens through complex sociotechnical digital networks [21–24].

What is the original After Wattpad?

After is a three part series of RPF fanfiction. It is a college AU and was written in installments on Wattpad over a period of one year. During the writing of the story, the author would often post a list of songs she had been listening to while writing each chapter. …

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Is Wattpad a good platform for authors?

The bottom line is Wattpad is a suitable platform for niche authors and a great place to find engaged readers of almost any persuasion and preference. Contests: Wattpad regularly offers writing contests.

Is it legal to publish on Wattpad?

Rights: You own the full rights to your work. Wattpad doesn’t. Your writing is protected by copyright as soon as you publish it. You can remove it from the platform and publish it elsewhere any time. You can also offer stories you’ve shared via Wattpad to publishers, and these are not legally viewed as reprints.

Should you enter a contest on Wattpad?

As well as being a fun community feature, winning a contest is good for your author CV, and there are prizes as well. Awards: Wattpad has their own awards ceremony, “The Wattys,” which has been going since 2010.

What is the process of writing on Wattpad?

They break up the process of using Wattpad from an author perspective into three stages. Create: The first stage of using Wattpad as a writer is to create your story. You are given pretty much free reign to write how you want and in whichever genre you wish.