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How do you greet a long time no see?

How do you greet a long time no see?

2 Answers

  1. (I) haven’t seen you in days/weeks/months/years!
  2. (I) haven’t seen you in forever!
  3. (I) haven’t seen you in a long time!
  4. (I) haven’t seen you in ages!

What do you say to a friend who is long time no see?

To really emphasize how long it’s been since you last saw your friend, you can use one of these common expressions:

  • It’s been forever!
  • I haven’t seen you in ages!
  • I haven’t see you for so long!
  • How long has it been since I last saw you?
  • When was the last time we saw each other?
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How do you use long time no see in a sentence?

phrase. It is a long time since we last met (used as a greeting). ‘Mark, the instructor who I’ve mentioned before in a post said hi, and asked where I was… long time no see.

How do you use Long time no see in a sentence?

When did people start saying Long time no see?

The first time “long time, no see” appeared in print was in the 1900 Western “Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains, Or, the Last Voice from the Plains An Authentic Record of a Life Time of Hunting, Trapping, Scouting and Indian Fighting in the Far West, by William F. Drannan.

How do you write to someone you haven’t seen in a long time?

Use a phrase such as, “I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since we graduated, but I was looking through my yearbook the other day and thought of you.” Truthfully share the reason for your lapse in communication, whether you’ve been busy with work and family or just negligent in keeping up with your old contacts.

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Can you say Long time, no see in an email?

“Long time, no see” is appropriate in a casual setting, either in conversation or in emails. (Of course, you’re not actually seeing the person…) It is, of course, grammatically incorrect.

How do you email a Long time, no see?

“Long time no see.” — If you haven’t seen the recipient in a while, you can use this very informal sentence at the beginning of your email.

How do you greet in an email after a long time?

If You Need Something Formal

  1. Allow Me to Introduce Myself.
  2. Good afternoon.
  3. Good morning.
  4. How are you?
  5. Hope this email finds you well.
  6. I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
  7. I hope you’re doing well.
  8. I hope you’re having a great week.

Is it correct to say ‘long time no see’?

Is It Correct to Say ‘Long Time no See?’ Just like the idiom ‘Long time no talk’ is widely accepted and used, the same is with the phrase ‘Long time no see.’ However, in formal conversations, it isn’t recommended to use the phrase. But, among close friends and family members, you are free to use it.

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What does ‘long time no talk’ mean?

Just like the phrase ‘Long time no talk,’ this one means that you haven’t seen someone for a long time, that is, you haven’t met and talked for quite a while. Is It Correct to Say ‘Long Time no See?’ Just like the idiom ‘Long time no talk’ is widely accepted and used, the same is with the phrase ‘Long time no see.’

What to say when you haven’t seen someone in a long time?

Ok…Here are two questions to use when you haven’t seen someone in a long time. The first one… “How long has it been?” Ok… So, you haven’t met your friend for a long time, so you say, “Hey, Dave.

How to use English Greetings in formal situations?

English Greetings for Professional/Formal Situations. This is the most common form of greeting in a formal situation and is appropriate to use anytime – with colleagues, business clients, formal relationships, new neighbors, etc. To be particularly respectful, you can also include the person’s last name, for example: “ Good morning,…