
How do you know if you got a bad filling?

How do you know if you got a bad filling?

Some of the most common signs that a dental filling needs to be replaced include: Sharp pain when biting down or chewing. Distinct change in texture. Graying in the tooth enamel around the filling.

How often do fillings need to be replaced?

On average, you can expect a metal filling to last for about 15 years before needing to be replaced, but the length of time can vary based on several factors, such as if you grind or clench your teeth. Tooth-colored fillings are made from a mixture of fine glass and plastic particles.

Can a loose filling Be Saved?

If the person does not have access to dental cement, petroleum jelly can be used to create a barrier that protects teeth. This can provide temporary relief. If the patient was able to save a large portion of the filling, dental cement or adhesives could be used to put it back in place.

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How to get a refund from the dentist who screwed up?

How to get a refund from the dentist who screwed up. 1. Threaten to complain to the dental board. Not as serious as a malpractice suit, this is still something that the dentist is strongly motivated to avoid. 2. Have the new dentist help you. A call from one dentist to another, verifying that there was indeed a problem with the work,…

What makes a dental filling defective?

See the same dental x-ray below that points out problems seen here. What makes a filling defective? Roughness, ledges, improper shape, and/or anatomy that does not replicate a healthy tooth are all problems that can be caused AND prevented by your dentist.

How do I know if my fillings need replacing?

Note fillings with overhangs or ledges of filling material that stick out beyond the tooth. There are rough areas that will hold debris. There are areas where new decay is starting below the existing filling. Decay will show up on an x-ray as a dark area below a filling or on the side of a tooth.

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How can I tell if my dental work is bad?

In the x-ray shown here, you can see bad dental work and other problems. Note fillings with overhangs or ledges of filling material that stick out beyond the tooth.