
How do you link some text so that when its clicked it go to my Facebook page?

How do you link some text so that when its clicked it go to my Facebook page?

Click immediately to the left of the text you want to use as anchor. Type the HTML hyperlink tag . Click to the right of the text and type the closing hyperlink tag . Example: Here is a sample hyperlink in Facebook Notes.

How do I share an original post on Facebook 2021?

After clicking on the Share button of a post with a link you’d like to share that you also want the text that the profile/page typed in to be shared with it, click the Expand icon in the popup window. Select the arrow icon to get an option selection box. From here, just select “Include Original Post”.

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How do you repost on Facebook with comments and likes?

This is located underneath the post but above the Likes and comments. Choose where you want to repost the item. When you click the Share link a new window will appear. Use the drop-down menu at the top of the new window to choose where you want to repost the item.

How do I copy a link to a Facebook comment?

All you need to do is to go to that particular comment, right-click on its date and select Copy link address. You can notice the comment’s id displayed at the end of the URL. When you visit that link, it will direct you to that specific comment and it will highlight it in yellow. That’s it!

How do I hyperlink a word in a Facebook post?

Type the “@” symbol when you want to make a link. Type the name of the person or entity you wish to link to directly after the symbol. For instance, if you want to link to the White House, type “@White House” without the quote marks.

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Can you hyperlink on Facebook?

Hyperlinks in Facebook posts If you type or paste a URL in a Facebook status update or comment – on a personal profile, business page, event, or group – that URL will become a clickable link. Want to choose your anchor text and hide that URL? This can only be done in Facebook Notes, which support HTML.

Why can’t Facebook include original post?

New Facebook does not let you ‘Include Original Post’ when you ‘Share to a Page’ Since May, Facebook has been rolling out ‘New Facebook’, a massive redesign of its desktop experience (with the old design now named ‘Classic Facebook’). It has a new dark mode, bigger type and more space to breathe.

How do I share a post on Facebook with comments?

You can click the time-stamp of a post (i.e. where it says ‘x minutes ago’ under a post in Newsfeed) to share a static link to the whole post and all of its comments. You should be more creative. Make a screenshot for example, edit and share.

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How do I post a hyperlink in a comment on Facebook?

That is very simple. Just type in the comment and place the link wherever you want to post in the comment. It will automatically get converted to hyperlink once you post the comment. , user of Facebook, have used their API, generally reasonable person.

How do I add a link to a Facebook page?

Adding a simple link can be done by using an element like this to your html code. If you want the better looking Facebook widgets, with options to let users “like” from your site, or see the friends who liked the page, right on your site, take a look at the Facebook developers documentation. For example

Is the word “to” allowed on Facebook comments?

Well, now “to” is officially a forbidden word on our Facebook comments. Which means that if we make a posand someone comments on it using the word “To”… This comment would only appear to them, and to their personal friends. Any other page visitor would see nothing at all.