How do you pass time waiting for food?

How do you pass time waiting for food?

13 Ways to Pass the Time while Waiting at a Restaurant

  1. Ask for lemons with your water and let your kids make themselves lemonade using a couple packets of splenda on the table.
  2. Play hangman.
  3. Have each person guess what letter your server’s name will start with.
  4. Play “Squares.” Here are some good directions for the game.

What do you say when ordering at a restaurant?

When ordering food in any restaurant, it’s a good idea to greet the person taking your order. You can say things like: Hi (or) hi there. Hello….Imagine that you want to order tea:

  1. Can I get a medium tea, please?
  2. Can I order a medium tea, please?
  3. I’ll take a medium tea, please.
  4. I’ll have a medium tea, please.

What should I play at a restaurant?

10 Restaurant Games to Play With Your Kids

  • Rock, Paper, Scissors. Remember this?
  • Sugar Packet Magic. You might not have access to a magic kit, but three napkins and a sugar packet can recreate a shell game.
  • Hand Guessing.
  • Telephone.
  • Yes and No.
  • Tic Tac Toe.
  • Alphabet Game.
  • Taste Test.
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How do I entertain my kids for dinner?

Six Ways to Entertain Kids at a Dinner Party

  1. Kids’ movie night. Sitting the kids down to watch a movie is a great way to keep them entertained for at least an hour or two.
  2. Craft table. Step-up the usual kids’ table by setting up a craft table.
  3. Kids only area.
  4. Lawn games.
  5. Board games.
  6. Dress up box.

Why are wait times so long at restaurants?

Double-check their interest: Part of the reason for long estimated wait times is because guests say they’ll wait, and ultimately end up taking off when they get too hungry. Judge their reactions to the wait time and double-check to make sure they’ll be waiting for a table before increasing the wait time for everyone else.

How do you deal with a no show at a restaurant?

While offering their estimated wait time, give them some ideas for things to do in the immediate neighborhood. Take their phone number: If you’re sending guests away to keep them busy, take their phone number so that your hostess can call them personally when a table is read. This will also decrease the chance of no-shows.

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What to do when customers don’t want to wait?

Nobody likes to wait and even less when they are hungry, so a customer’s decision to wait for a table at your restaurant should be appreciated. To value this decision, assign a space and personnel (the bar and head waiter maybe) to attend to these customers in a special way, and during their entire wait.

How to make your restaurant successful?

To achieve this, serve drinks that are profitable and popular such as beers and soft drinks, as well as easy-to-serve dishes, such as nibbles, spreads, cold cuts, nuts, etc. Remember to ensure that the customer enjoys your restaurant experience from as soon as they arrive. Customers don’t only overflow from the restaurant.