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How do you react when your mom is pregnant?

How do you react when your mom is pregnant?

The Conversation

  1. First, find the words. You might say, “I have something difficult to tell you.
  2. Be prepared to deal with the reaction. What happens next?
  3. Give your parents time to speak without jumping in. Listen to what they say.
  4. Tell them how you feel.
  5. If you need to, get help breaking the news.

When to tell your mom you are pregnant?

Many parents-to-be wait until the end of the first trimester — around week 13 — to tell friends and family about their pregnancy. A number of factors influence why people wait until this time to share the news. Still, the most important part of your decision should revolve around what makes you the most comfortable.

What do you say to an expecting mother?

Baby Shower Congratulations Messages

  • So many happy and wonder-filled times ahead for you… congratulations!
  • Hip, hip, hurrah! You two are going to make such amazing parents.
  • Ahhh!
  • Here’s to smiles, laughter, patience, and joy.
  • Congratulations!
  • Congratulations on making a miracle!
  • Congrats and hats off to you two.
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How can I help my mom during her pregnancy?

Try to be understanding that her body is working hard to adjust to the demands of pregnancy. She might need to miss some of your activities to rest. Your mom might enjoy doing quiet activities with you. Try reading to her, drawing pictures with her, or watching movies together.

How do I know if my mom is feeling the baby kick?

Feel the baby kick. Most women start to feel the baby kick around 16 weeks of pregnancy. You might be able to feel the baby kicking from the outside when your mom is around 20 weeks pregnant. Ask her to tell you when it is kicking and if it’s okay to touch her belly. Go to an ultrasound appointment.

How do I deal with a mother who always talks about baby?

Tell your mom how she can help support you. Maybe you are stressed about taking on extra responsibilities in the house, or sick of always hearing about the new baby. Let her know what is bothering you in a respectful way. Instead of telling her what she’s doing wrong, say “I feel _____”. Instead of saying, “You always talk about the baby!