How do you respond to feeling ugly?

How do you respond to feeling ugly?

“You’re not ugly at all. Maybe I don’t tell you enough how nice you look.”…The best kind of answer to “Am I ugly?” is a direct answer to the question plus a bit of reassurance.

  1. “Why are you asking me that?”
  2. “Why do you think that?”
  3. “Why do you care so much about being ugly or pretty?”

What to say to someone to make them feel pretty?

But if you’re more specific, you show you notice what makes her beautiful, and she may start to believe what you say. So instead of saying “You’re beautiful,” try something like “Your smile lights up a room” or “I love how your hair turns red in the sunshine.”

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How do you respond when someone says your pretty?

Originally Answered: What do you say when someone say you are beautiful? Say “thank you”, smile – and if you are feeling shy or grateful enough for the compliment, or even just to be polite – you can give a compliment back too.

What does it mean when a guy calls you a baddie?

informal. : a bad person or thing especially : an opponent of the hero (as in fiction or motion pictures)

What do you say to someone when they think they’re ugly?

If someone thinks they’re ugly, one of the kindest things you can do is just reaffirm them that they are not in any way, shape or form. This response will allow you to drastically boost someone’s confidence, as it can directly lead to making a thoughtful compliment. Don’t just tell them that they’re not ugly – show them.

What should I say to a friend who is unattractive?

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Personality is incredibly important, and if your friend is selling themselves short by telling themselves that they’re unattractive or ugly, you should remind them that they have a wonderful personality. People will want to be around individuals that make them happy or that they relate to – it doesn’t matter what they look like.

Is thinking about how ugly you are Ruining Your Life?

But by thinking about how ugly you are, you are likely to be negatively influencing your levels of satisfaction with life. This is due to something called the focusing illusion . Basically, by thinking about an area of your life that you are not so happy about, you taint the overall belief you have about how good or bad your life is.

Why should you make up for your ugliness?

You can feel more at ease and allow your true and genuine personality to show itself instead of feeling the need to “make up” for your ugliness by pretending to be something you aren’t. This is just one reason why you should…

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