
How do you say no in a cute way?

How do you say no in a cute way?

Here are 10 ways for you to say ‘NO’ in a polite manner:

  1. I’m honoured but I can’t.
  2. I wish there were two of me.
  3. Unfortunately, now is not a good time.
  4. Sorry, I’m booked into something else right now.
  5. Damn, not able to fit this one in!
  6. Sadly, I have something else.
  7. No, thank you but it sounds lovely, so next time.

What to do if a parent cannot live alone?

If an assessment shows that a parent cannot live alone, there are several alternatives: Home Car. Most people want to stay in their homes or apartments as they always have. While this is not always possible, there are services and support systems that may make this possible for the short or long-term.

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Do you feel guilty for taking care of your elderly parents?

Feeling guilty and forgiving yourself. As caregivers, we often feel guilty for not rescuing our parents from the pain and discomfort of old age. But we cannot rescue them; we can only offer our love and support and hope they accept it. Yet, many of us do offer that to our elderly parents and still feel guilty.

Is it bad to live with your older parents?

While some families still accommodate their older parents, it has become a more complicated option. Living with your parents can cause tensions between them and your children. It can have negative implications. To avoid these tensions and negative implications, there are some factors you need to put into consideration.

Are You caring for your children and your parents at the same time?

So many of us today find ourselves caring for our children and our parents at the same time. You may find yourself “in the middle” simply because your parents are aging and can no longer do all that they did before or you might be thrust “in the middle” because of a medical emergency.