
How do you tolerate a boring lecture?

How do you tolerate a boring lecture?

Posted by Basia Padlo

  1. Pull your hair or pinch yourself.
  2. Wear as few items of clothing as possible.
  3. Hide more interesting reading material.
  4. Suggest holding class outside.
  5. Send text messages on your cell phone.
  6. Make paper airplanes.
  7. Keep a list of words with dirty meanings.
  8. Take notes with your nondominant hand.

Is MBBS life boring Quora?

yes we are so much boring. MBBS is not boring, pathetic or miserable ; infact it is book which is written by murakami or khaleed Hosseini. Crispy, cheerful, enticing ecastical & slightly fill of uncertainty.

How do I survive long lectures?

How to Survive Long College Classes

  1. Take Mental Breaks.
  2. Bring a Snack.
  3. Make Some Friends.
  4. Don’t Have Long Classes Back-to-Back.
  5. Don’t Skip Class.
  6. Get Plenty of Rest the Night Before.
  7. Give Yourself an Incentive.
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Are medical students happy?

Results: It can be observed that happiness level of medical students is 70\%. Female students are slightly more happy than male students. It was evident that percentage of happiness is much more in students living with their family. It was also observed Percentage of happiness is much more in students having some hobby.

Do MBBS students go to gym?

Yes! They do! Our college had a gym on the ground floor, first room on the right just as you enter the college building, exactly opposite to Dean’s office. Many students, both boys and girls, were found in the gym after the lectures got over at 5 pm in the evening.

Why do students find lectures so boring?

envoke_twitter_link]With so many classes involving lecturing, students find it difficult to focus on what professors are saying. Traditional lectures get them bored, tired, and impatient.

Will you pass the exam if you don’t attend lectures?

Many professors say it: “You won’t pass the exam if you don’t attend lectures!” Most students don’t like lectures. With so many classes involving lecturing, students find it difficult to focus on what professors are saying. Traditional lectures get them bored, tired, and impatient.

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Why do so many professors still use traditional lectures?

And that’s a big problem because a traditional lecture remains one of the most common teaching methods for professors from all over the world because of its #1 advantage: it allows them to reach many students in one time slot.

How do you deal with a boring professor?

2) Concentrate on the Subject: Focus on the subject, not the speaker. Your professor might speak with a monotonous voice, which makes you bored, but try thinking of him as if he was a computer reading you something. Concentrate on the subject and focus on the information. This trick helps to limit boredom and distraction.