Tips and tricks

How do you treat a bulging L4-L5 disc?

How do you treat a bulging L4-L5 disc?

Treatment of the L4-L5 spinal motion segment typically begins with nonsurgical methods….Surgical Treatments for L4-L5

  1. Microdiscectomy. In this surgery, a small part of the disc material near the nerve root is taken out.
  2. Laminectomy.
  3. Foraminotomy.
  4. Facetectomy.
  5. Lumbar artificial disc replacement.
  6. Fusion of L4-L5.

How do you treat a bulging disc with sciatica?

A bulging disc with or without sciatic nerve involvement, treatment may include short term bed rest, electrotherapy, traction, graduated mobilization as well as a prescription of extension exercises and sometimes the use of taping or a back brace.

What helps bulging disc with lower back pain?

Nonsurgical treatment may include:

  1. Rest. One to 2 days of bed rest will usually help relieve back and leg pain.
  2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). Medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help relieve pain.
  3. Physical therapy.
  4. Epidural steroid injection.
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Is L4 L5 disc bulge curable?

L4-L5 disc bulge, slipped disc, spondylosis, bone-spur, and joint pain is treatable without injections or surgery.

Can L4 L5 bulge without surgery?

Is minimally invasive L4-L5 disc bulging treatment right for You?

Advances in technology and specialization by leading spinal surgeons have made minimally invasive back surgery a popular and ever-growing option for those seeking to end their back pain. If you’re suffering from pain and need L4-L5 disc bulging treatment, contact DISC Spine Institute.

What is the best treatment for a bulging disc?

“Many people who have pain from a bulging disc will get pain relief with a few days of rest and some anti-inflammatories. Traction, physical therapy, and epidural steroid injections can be beneficial as well.”

What are the symptoms of L4-L5 disc problems?

1 Chronic Lower Back Pain Pain in the lumbar region can mean many things. But the way the pain presents may help you figure out the issue. 2 Leg Pain and or Weakness The leg pain that is often felt with an L4-L5 disc problem in conjunction with or separate from lower back pain is often categorized 3 Tingling and Numbness

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What is the best treatment for L4 L5 spondylitis?

Nonsurgical treatments of the L4-L5 motion segment include: Medication. Both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications are used to help relieve pain from L4-L5. Typically, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are usually tried first.