
How do you treat your loved ones when they are still alive?

How do you treat your loved ones when they are still alive?

No one should feel pressured to talk. Even if you don’t feel like talking, find ways to express your emotions and thoughts. Start writing in a journal about the memories you have of the person you lost and how you’re feeling since the loss. Or write a song, poem, or tribute about your loved one.

What do you say when someone almost died?

If you’re not sure what to say, something along the lines of, “I’m so sorry to hear about [the person who died],” or “I can’t imagine what this must feel like for you” are good sentiments to fall back on. Acknowledgement can go a long way, even if you don’t know the person well.

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What do you say in the time of sorrow?

Short Sympathy Quotes and Sympathy Sayings

  • “Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.”
  • “Our thoughts and prayers are with you.”
  • “I wish you healing and peace.”
  • “I hope you feel surrounded by much love.”
  • “We are so sorry for your loss.”
  • “We are thinking of you during these difficult times.”

What happens when someone you dislike dies?

You must realize that the death of someone you dislike can lead to a confusing unraveling of emotions you have held on to for years. It is easy to imagine that all those complicated feelings would somehow get resolved once the person died, or was completely out of your life.

What happens to your body when someone dies?

After that person dies, you may be left to sort through complicated negative feelings, while others work through more traditional grief. This disconnect can leave you feeling isolated and alone, and also ill-equipped to support your grieving family and friends.

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Is it possible to find closure while you are still alive?

Finding closure is often accomplished after the person you dislike has died; however, if it is possible to find closure while you both are still alive, it should be done. The sooner you can find closure the better. There is no need to prolong the resentment and suffering.

Why do I still feel grief for someone who has passed away?

If people in your life knew you didn’t get along with this person, that you had a strained relationship, or had a falling out, people may minimize the validity of your feelings, otherwise known as disenfranchised grief. You may still be feeling grief, despite simultaneously feeling resentment towards the recently deceased.