Tips and tricks

How does computer science contribute to AI?

How does computer science contribute to AI?

Progress Across all of Computer Science Advances in many disciplines related to AI, including machine learning, robotics, computer vision, natural language processing, inference, decision-making, and planning, are contributing to new-fielded products, services, and experiences.

What field of computer science is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence.

What is an IB extended essay?

The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students.

What can AI do in the future?

AI algorithms will enable doctors and hospitals to better analyze data and customize their health care to the genes, environment and lifestyle of each patient. From diagnosing brain tumors to deciding which cancer treatment will work best for an individual, AI will drive the personalized medicine revolution.

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What is the Ib extended essay for Computer Science?

Extended Essay Computer Science is counted as an experimental science by the IB and thus requires you to do some kind of experiment in the realm of computer science and then report your findings. As so few students attempt a CS EE every year, coming up with a ‘good’ CS EE topic will be half your struggle.

What are some good IB essay topics to choose from?

It’s best to choose a topic that matches one of the IB courses, (such as Theatre, Film, Spanish, French, Math, Biology, etc.), which shouldn’t be difficult because there are so many class subjects. Here is a range of sample topics with the attached extended essay: Biology: The Effect of Age and Gender on the Photoreceptor Cells in the Human Retina

Do IB students fear writing the Extended Essay?

IB students around the globe fear writing the Extended Essay, but it doesn’t have to be a source of stress! In this article, I’ll get you excited about writing your Extended Essay and provide you with the resources you need to get an A on it.

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How long does it take to write an EE for IB?

Be aware that the IB only allows advisors to suggest improvements to the EE. Your teacher cannot actually help you write your EE. The IB recommends that the supervisor spends approximately two to three hours in total with the candidate discussing the EE. #5: Make Sure Your Essay Has a Clear Structure and Flow