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How does everyone in Star Wars know English?

How does everyone in Star Wars know English?

As far as interspecies communication goes throughout, this is solved by reliance on a universal lingua franca which all the main characters speak. Known as Galactic Basic, or often simply Basic, the idea appears to have originated in the expanded universe in the 1979 novel Han Solo’s Revenge by Brian Daley.

Do they actually speak English in Star Wars?

The Star Wars science fiction universe, created by George Lucas, features some dialogue spoken in fictional languages. The lingua franca of the franchise is English, which is known in-universe as Galactic Basic.

What is English called in the Star Wars universe?

Basic is the name given to the English language in the Star Wars saga, although in dubbed versions of the films it will for all intents and purposes resemble those languages. As a result, Basic comes in as many accents as those of the actors in the films, television series and video games.

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How did humans get to the Star Wars universe?

The origin of Humans in Star Wars is unknown (though many in the galaxy believe that they originated on Coruscant). Since they appear to be identical to Humans on Earth, some fans have created theories about a species of extragalactic aliens who transported early Humans from Earth to the “Galaxy Far, Far Away”.

Why does everybody in Star Trek speak English?

There is dialogue in Star Trek in other languages, e.g. Klingon with subtitles. The reason why everybody understands each other is the universal translator, so that it is made to sound like English for practical reasons as the show is a English language production.

Are humans called humans in Star Wars?

There are no humans in Star Wars. This should be obvious from the title card. We’re a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Lucas had to cast this drama with human actors, and the obvious choice was to use unmodified humans to represent the most common species.

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Did the clones know Mando A?

No. They just both wear armour and Jango was a Mando so fandom says they do, but yeah.