
How does FOMO affect mental health?

How does FOMO affect mental health?

Studies show that FOMO leads to extreme dissatisfaction and has a detrimental effect on our physical and mental health – mood swings, loneliness, feelings of inferiority, reduced self-esteem, extreme social anxiety, and increased levels of negativity and depression.

Can you get PTSD from a break up?

A history of past trauma is also a risk factor for developing PTSD post-divorce. “In people with PTSD from past trauma,” says psychiatrist Dr. Susan Edelman, “the breakup of a relationship can lead to worsening symptoms of post-traumatic stress and psychological well-being.”

What are some examples of FOMO?

Examples of FOMO

  • Someone might worry that they’re missing out on enjoyable events that their peers are going to, which can cause them to feel anxious and upset.
  • Someone might worry that by picking a certain career they’ll miss out on alternative paths, which can cause them to postpone making a final decision.
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Do you contact your ex first after the no contact rule ends?

A few days ago one of my coaching clients contacted me with an interesting request. She basically told me that most of the women who implement the no contact rule end up contacting their exes first after the no contact rule is over. For example, lets say that you were to use the no contact rule on your ex boyfriend for 30 days.

Why does my ex still want me back after no contact?

Your ex also might be fighting against their feelings of missing you because they believe that being with you isn’t “best” for them. We could talk all day about why that is the case. That is what makes being in no contact difficult on you, as the person who wants their ex back.

How long does it take for an ex to come back?

Many times you will experience two steps forward and one step back during this whole process of getting your ex back. As I tell clients when I’m coaching them to get their ex back, often times it takes mere days for an ex to reach out. Other times it’s weeks or months.

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Does no contact work when your ex stays silent?

No contact can be working splendidly, but you don’t receive feedback or comfort because your ex stays silent. I get it. It’s frustrating to say the very least. In the following video, I discuss the stages that your ex must go through while you are in no contact in order for them to want to get back together with you.