
How does Jon Snow defeat Ramsay?

How does Jon Snow defeat Ramsay?

When he reaches Ramsay, he smacks the bow out of his hands and knocks him to the ground. With Ramsay down, Jon pins him and proceeds to beat him savagely. Though it seems as if he will kill Ramsay, Jon stops when he sees Sansa, realizing that she has as much right to revenge as he does.

Who will kill Ramsay?

Ramsay is killed by Sansa in Season 6, but sadly, Ramsay was a sign of things to come. As soon as he exited the stage, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss brought in another heavy, who is clearly meant to bring the same level of brutality and savagery.

Is Ramsay Snow related to Jon Snow?

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Though they’re not brothers or anything, they did have the same last name for a while. Before he was legitimized, Ramsay was known as Ramsay Snow. That’s because that is the name illegitimate children in the North of Westeros get. It’s where Jon Snow got his last name from, as well.

What happened to Ramsay after Theon killed Myranda?

When Theon killed Myranda, Ramsay does seem mildly affected by the news, but he still wound up feeding the remains of her dead body to his hounds. One of the most iconic battles from the show was the Battle of the Bastards which saw Jon and his forces face off against Ramsay.

What did Ramsay do to Sansa Stark?

Following the ceremony, Ramsay proceeded to rape Sansa, forcing Theon to watch and continued to rape her every day following. One of the things Ramsay would constantly do was go to extreme lengths to make examples out of people.

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Why did Ramsay make Sansa stare at the corpse of her maid?

The woman was responsible for delivering a message from Brienne of Tarth instructing Sansa to put a candle in her window if she needed to be rescued so that she and Podrick could come and get her. Ramsay, after finding this out from Reek, flats the maid and then forces Sansa to stare at the corpse as punishment.
