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How does mjolnir work in the comics?

How does mjolnir work in the comics?

It is capable of controlling and conjuring weather including lightning, and allows the carrier to fly if the hammer is spun and released with enough power. Mjolnir is enchanted by Odin, requiring any person who lifts it to be “worthy” and grants the user “the power of Thor” if they are able to do so.

What are some of the similarities between the Marvel Universe and Norse mythology?

In both Marvel Comics and Norse myth, Asgard is connected to Earth (referred to as Midgard) by a bridge called Bifrost, which manifests as multicolored arc in the sky. Like any good myth, this serves to explain a natural phenomenon, in this case, the rainbow.

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What happened to Mjolnir in the comics?

Although an incredibly powerful weapon, Mjolnir is not indestructible. It has been damaged several times over the years: A force beam from the Destroyer slices it in two in Journey Into Mystery #118. Mjolnir was then repaired in Journey Into Mystery #120.

What is mjolnir in Norse mythology?

Mjollnir, Old Norse Mjöllnir, in Norse mythology, the hammer of the thunder god, Thor, and the symbol of his power. Forged by dwarfs, the hammer never failed Thor; he used it as a weapon to crash down on the heads of giants and as an instrument to hallow people and things.

Why can’t Thor pick up his hammer?

Thor, being the God of Thunder, can summon his hammer as well as being the only guy to lift his hammer. The reason he cannot summon it after crashing on the field is because it needs to be energized by thunder to to do his bidding, without which it’s just a heavy hammer.

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Are Thor and Loki brothers?

While the Loki of the Marvel comics and films does derive his cunning character from the Loki of Norse myth, the biggest difference is that in the Marvel universe, Loki is depicted as the adopted brother and son of Thor and Odin.

Was Thor the only one who could lift Mjolnir?

For all his quickness to anger, the Norse Thor was pretty popular, and all of his smiting generally had Odin’s stamp of approval. It is true that, mythologically speaking, Thor was the only one who could lift Mjolnir, but that wasn’t because of an enchantment.

What is the difference between mainstream Mjolnir and ultimate Mjolnir?

Calling back to our previous point, Mainstream Mjolnir is the polar opposite of Ultimate Mjolnir. While the latter hammer is a truly formidable weapon, Mainstream Mjolnir is a divine instrument! Thor can alter matter, travel across time and space, channel God-Force energies and more with his signature weapon.

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What is the origin of Mjolnir?

Mjolnir was forged from the Uru metal from the heart of a dying star in Nidavellir. In the MCU, it was later revealed that Originally, Hela was the wielder of Mjolnir and helped Odin conquer the Nine realms before he locked her up in the Hel.

What is ultimate Mjolnir’s purpose in Marvel Comics?

The heading up above is a bit misleading, as Ultimate Mjolnir’s primary purpose is to power the European Defense Initiative’s Bio-Mechanical suit. Back when Ultimate Thor still thought he was a mortal, EDI drafted him into a secret program. EDI’s goal was to produce a warrior that could rival America’s Super Soldiers.