
How far up do you have to go to have no gravity?

How far up do you have to go to have no gravity?

Any object that is falling freely is weightless, no matter where it happens to be. This can be the International Space Station at a height of 200 miles, a NASA reduced-gravity airplane at a height of several thousand feet, a drop tower at several hundred feet, or you jumping off a chair at 3 feet.

How far is space from earth?

about 62 miles
There’s also fuel problem too. The shortest distance between Earth and space is about 62 miles (100 kilometers) straight up, which by general accord is where the planet’s boundary ends and suborbital space begins.

Are u pulling on the Earth?

The answer is gravity: an invisible force that pulls objects toward each other. Earth’s gravity is what keeps you on the ground and what makes things fall. Earth’s gravity comes from all its mass. All its mass makes a combined gravitational pull on all the mass in your body.

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Are we pulling on the Earth?

Space Environment The more massive something is, the more of a gravitational pull it exerts. As we walk on the surface of the Earth, it pulls on us, and we pull back. This is why we are stuck to the surface of the Earth instead of being pulled off into the Sun, which has many more times the gravity of the Earth.

How far away can the Earth’s gravity pull?

Strictly speaking, the Earth’s gravity will always pull on an object, no matter how distant. Gravity is a force that obeys an ‘inverse square law’. So, for example, put an object twice as far away and it will feel a quarter of the force. Put it four times further away and it will feel one-sixteenth the force.

Does gravity always pull on an object?

Gravity is a force that obeys an ‘inverse square law’ and, strictly speaking, the Earth’s gravity will always pull on an object, no matter how distant. Strictly speaking, the Earth’s gravity will always pull on an object, no matter how distant.

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What height above Earth is there zero gravity?

The question says “At what height above Earth is zero-gravity?”. The answer, as given – is at no height is there zero gravity, because although, at vast distances, 1/r^2 means that the gravitatonal acceleration will be very low, it’s not zero.

How does gravity affect the International Space Station?

Gravity accelerates the ISS towards the Earth continuously, meaning it’s constantly falling towards the planet but “missing”, because the Earth curves out of the way. I hope that makes sense?